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也就是说,他的死亡是个不幸的事故。The verdict was death due to misadventure.

幸运的是,迈克.杜卡基斯并没有因我的过失而受到不利影响。Fortunately, Mike Dukakis wasn’t hurt by my misadventure.

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命运把我们的小失误变成了一个伟大的契机。Fate has turned our little misadventure into a great opportunity.

不同于对伊战争,他们的越战遭遇几乎把美国撕裂了。And unlike Iraq, their Vietnam misadventure nearly tore America apart.

此次感恩节假期的遭遇令许多抵港的海员家庭感到沮丧,并有可能引发外交口角。The holiday misadventure has left families dismayed and could become a diplomatic tiff.

我们从利比亚战事上可以看到,如果没有美国的军事力量参与,欧洲各国就像没头的苍蝇找不到北。We see in the misadventure in Libya how the Europeans flounder without the U.S. military.

至于那只罪魁祸凤,早就溜回宠物空间避难去了。As as that central offender misadventure Feng slip away once early pet space to quest asylum work to.

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唐老鸭看起来总缺钱花,而且习惯性地麻烦不断。Donald always seems to be short of cash andmake a habit of lurching from one misadventure to thenext.

唐纳德似乎总是缺钱,总是遇到习惯地遇到一个接一个得倒霉事。Donald always seems to be short of cash and make a habit of lurching from one misadventure to the next.

有时候时是在倒了这样的霉后,我才干起拿石子儿砸耗子、打猫子和每天扇吉塔耳光这种勾当的。It was sometimes after this misadventure that the business of stoning a rat, beating a cat, and slapping Geeta everyday started.

仍然持续不断的阿富汗灾难则是另一个疯狂的迹象——神欲使其灭亡必先使其疯狂。The continuing Afghanistan misadventure is another sign of the insanity that the gods have inflicted on those they intend to destroy.

熊阔海试图劝阻裴艳玲跟杨小菊一同涉险,裴艳玲却嘲笑他贪生怕死且厚颜无耻。XiongKuo sea attempting to dissuade YangXiaoJu together with PeiYanLing misadventure PeiYanLing laughed at him, and afraid to die impudence.

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这尤其是音乐的意外事件来的,由于场外巡逻的建议,由某一个人,他们将维持无名为自己的安全。This particular musical misadventure came about as a result of an off-beat suggestion made by a certain individual who shall remain nameless for their own safety.

一只巴掌大的宠物龟被一只黄金猎犬吞下肚,所幸一名12岁女孩迅速采取行动,让两只动物在这场意外中都大难不死,一名兽医说。A palm-sized pet turtle and the golden retriever that gobbled it up survived the misadventure thanks to the quick actions of a 12-year-old girl, a veterinarian said.

让事情更糟的是,从中东到西南亚洲,美国基本上独自陷入了持续十年之久的倒霉冒险。Making matters worse, America is bogged down largely alone in a prolonged decade-long misadventure in an area ranging from the Middle East proper to south-west Asia.

对于很多美国人来说,奥萨马•本•拉登在九年前的9月11日袭击美国后,在伊拉克遭受的不幸已经开始象征美国所犯的一个更加广泛的错误。To many Americans, the misadventure in Iraq has come to symbolise a broader wrong turn America made after Osama bin Laden assaulted it on September 11th nine years ago.

“权力归于个人”,这就是1857年人们所秉持的信念,而人类社会经历了一个半世纪的阵痛与种种劫难,并无更好的理念最终存留下来。Empowerment of the individual was the idea in 1857, and after a century and a half of travail and misadventure among human societies, there is no better idea left standing.

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那刘、李两家的夫人吓白了脸色,都怕给自个儿夫君惹上祸事,忙跟在后头追了出去。That Liu, Li Liang Jia's madam frightens white facial expression, all afraid give have got a misadventure from the son husband, favour with backward made trace for to go out.