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这个覆盆子色看起来太艳了。This raspberry color looks too rich.

这是一种法国产的杨梅甜酒。Framboise is a French raspberry liqueur.

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果味老玫瑰香味与树莓笔记。Fruity old rose scent with raspberry notes.

她在烤面包片上涂了薄薄的一层山莓酱。She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam.

也给金融市场吹来了一个大果子。And the financial markets blew a giant raspberry.

红色浆果,黑醋栗,樱桃,悬钩子酱味。Red fruit, blackcurrants, cherries, raspberry jam.

有着浓郁得野树莓,黑樱桃,覆盆子的香气。Has a rich wild raspberry, black cherry, raspberry aroma.

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鱼胶粉与热水调至溶解,拌入覆盆子液中。Melt the gelatine powder with hot water. Stir into raspberry.

含多种微量元素及人体所需的氨基酸。Raspberry includes mang kinds of amino acid and microelement.

这小红莓色看起来太浓了,可以只擦一层吗?。This raspberry color looks too rich. Can I get only one coat?

悬钩子是一种营养丰富、色香味俱佳的加工原料。Raspberry is a nourishing material with good color and sweet smell.

甜树莓和黑莓果酱,香草,石墨香。Sweet jammy raspberry and blackberry, vanilla, and graphite aromas.

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散发出巧克力,花岗岩,辛香,李子和悬钩子的气息。The aromatics show chocolate, granite, spice, plum and raspberry notes.

清澈而又亮丽的覆盆子色,给予多种熟红浆果果香。Clear, bright red currant. Intense ripe raspberry and red fruits aromas.

此酒口感活跃,莓子与黑醋栗果混合的芳香萦绕于齿颊间,十分醉人。It shows a dynamic mix of raspberry and blackcurrant fruit on the palate.

馥郁的红浆果和轻微新鲜覆盆子的芳香相交织。The wine offers expressive red-berry aromas and a fresh hint of raspberry.

黑巧克力覆盆子慕斯,巧克力萨歇尔蛋糕,香蕉团子。Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Mousse, Chocolate Sacher cake, Banana dumpling.

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强烈的樱桃红色,树莓红醋栗的香味浓郁,均衡美味,柔和细腻。Intense cherry colour with raspberry and redcurrant aroma. Balanced and tasty.

悬钩子属植物一种悬钩子属的多刺灌木,包括黑莓和山莓。A prickly shrub of the genus Rubus, including the blackberry and the raspberry.

加点黄油,覆盆子果酱或是弄点炒鸡蛋夹心,一日三餐,什么时候吃都不错。Delicious with butter, raspberry jam or filled with scrambled eggs for any meal.