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卢克斯已建立了积极的用户社区。Lux has built up an active user community.

卢克斯带有一个自由20游戏测试期。Lux comes with a free 20 game trial period.

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卢森堡是一个令人震憾的游戏策略和统治。Lux is an awesome game of strategy and domination.

上海义淳贸易有限公司是一家加拿大独企业。Lux Co. , Ltd is a leading Germany trading company.

经过3至4个小时的光照强度已降低到约300勒克斯。After 3 to 4 hours the light intensity has lowered to about 300 lux.

它需要订于一个实力至少2500勒克斯是有效的。It needs to be set at a strength of at least 2500 lux to be effective.

这意味着照度很好适合人眼的感觉从光的水平。This means the Lux is well fit to light level from sense of human eyes.

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如果你要玩独奏,卢森堡到11个不同的电脑对手。If you want to play solo, Lux comes with 11 different computer opponents.

俗话说,“”。不同的人对此有不同的看法是能够懂得的。To this issue, sini lux on sale , different people come up with various attitudes.

LED使用更少的电力,但它在2000-2500力士的叶子上的水平。Led using less electricity, but it gives around 2000-2500 lux on the foliage level.

发光细菌及其发光基因在环境监测等领域中具有广泛的应用价值。Luminescent bacteria and its lux gene were widely used in environmental monitoring.

今天我们召开了第一次家委会代表会议。The first meeting of the LUX Central Committee of the Parent Forum took place today.

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北三台、五彩湾、陆东、陆西及西北缘地区均为有利勘探区。Beisantai, Wucaiwan, Ludong, Lux and north-west margin are favorable exploration regions.

那些喜爱但买不起奢侈品的人可以通过购买轻奢品来满足自己。People who love luxury goods but could not afford them can satisfy themselves with entry lux.

“满月”宾馆将会有35层楼1590米高,382间大“豪华”房。The hotel "Full Moon" will have 1590 meters and 35 floors where will be located 382 large "lux" numbers.

基于时间考验游戏的棋盘游戏的风险,卢森堡增添一切你可以要求在电脑的版本。Based on the time tested gameplay of the board game Risk, Lux adds everything you could ask for in a computer version.

葡萄牙发挥了舞蹈和音乐之夜的重要作用,卢森堡Frágil是党在里斯本最好的地方之一。Playing a significant role in Portuguese dance and music nights, LUX Frágil is one of the best party places in Lisbon.

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谁能想到,如今那猥琐之极的陈瞎子在当年,居然就是卸岭力士的盗魁?Who can think, now that wretched the ministers in that year, unexpectedly blind Chen, of course, is unloading ridge lux pq?

该球机摄像机能支持520线分辨率,在没有红外照明且光线只有0.001勒克斯的情况下,摄像机依旧能采集捕捉到情景图像。It offers 520 TV lines of resolution and can capture images in scenes with as little as 0.001 lux without infrared lighting.

这种灯还有一种有趣的自动关闭功能,它只能在周围光亮低于200流明的时候被点亮。One interesting feature is the bulb's auto-shutoff function. It will only shine when ambient light falls below about 200 lux.