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她是成心把我的衣服弄脏。Her spoiling my dress was deliberate.

我希望你们对这些问题进行商议。I hope you will deliberate on these issues.

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她的拒绝只是故作姿态。Her refusal was merely a deliberate gesture.

这是值得仔细而审慎考虑的事情。This deserves careful and deliberate consideration.

慢动作在运动中是必不可少的。Slow deliberate movements are essential to exercise.

是成为推动改变的力量?深思熟虑?Are we going to be a force for change? Be deliberate?

首先,面试必须集中、详细并经过周密计划。First, it ought to be focused, detailed, and deliberate.

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游人款步漫游颐和园。Tourists walk in the Summer Palace with deliberate steps.

对自己行为的所有细节都深思熟虑考虑周到是不可能的。It is impossible to deliberate over every detail of conduct.

地躺在扶手椅里,故意摆出一种轻蔑的架势。He lounged in an armchair in a stance of deliberate contempt.

他确信那似乎漫不经心的姿态是有意装出来的。He was sure that the casualness of the gesture was deliberate.

将升级定义为逐跳的机制是个不错的选择。This hop-by-hop definition of Upgrade was a deliberate choice.

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选来选去还是决定来杭州西湖。Upon deliberate choice she finally selected Hangzhou West Lake.

艾莉挖空心思的决议强夺品如的幸福生活。Ellie deliberate decision robbery is tasted like the happy life.

这队人决定实施几起蓄谋已久的事。The group decided to commit several acts of deliberate violence.

他这篇文章大量使用了曲笔手法。He uses a great number of deliberate digressions in this article.

海牛在美国不会受恶意行为危害。In the USA, manatees are protected from deliberate acts of malice.

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这是在媒体聚光灯下的蓄意对抗。This was deliberate antagonism under the glare of media spotlight.

慎于思而敏于行。谨慎勤奋,带来好运。Deliberate slowly, execute promptly. Care and diligence bring luck.

但在大多数情况下,谋篇布局对写作而言却是从容写作的序曲。But in most cases, planning must be a deliberate prelude to writing.