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弱一致性。Weak consistency.

强一致性。Strong consistency.

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单调写一致性。Monotonic write consistency.

你的行为缺乏一贯性。Your behaviour lacks consistency.

在这一定有某些一致性。So there is some consistency here.

这是我们不常看到的两党一致性。It is a consistency not often seen.

高矮、大小、色泽同等。The height, size, color consistency.

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其拌合物不泌水,稠度很大。And not bleeding, consistency is big.

检查子网掩码,以确保一致。Check the subnet masks for consistency.

我们重点关注保持数据一致性。We focus on maintaining data consistency.

糌粑的黏度和绿豆沙差不多,味道也有点像。It has the consistency of green bean paste.

请把面粉和牛奶调到适当的稠度。Mix flour and milk to the right consistency.

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这样做只是为了一致性和清晰。This is done for consistency and clarity only.

至一种柔滑可滴的黏稠度。Add milk to produce a soft dropping consistency.

膏状物应该是一致生鸡蛋白。The paste should be the consistency raw egg white.

统一感是被园林设计中的一致性所实现的。Unity is achieved in garden design by consistency.

大多数人不喜欢改口。Consistency. Most people prefer to keep their word.

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保持品牌和信息传递的一致性Ensure cross-channel brand and message consistency.

关键之所在与其说是代码质量,还不如说是一致性。The key is consistency not so much quantity of code.

结论ISCA与WAIS-RC量表具有很高的一致性。Conclusions ISCA and WAIS-RC showed high consistency.