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斗鱼喜欢生活在罐子里吗?Is betta likes to live in jars?

我该如何处置新购买的斗鱼?What do I do for a new bought betta?

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拿出真本事来和我决斗吧!You betta come strong cuz it's time to duel!

芨芨草的斗鱼都有不同的颜色和图案。Each of the betta splendens have different colors and patterns.

舒克和贝塔也是我的朋友,他俩的经历流传甚广。Schunck and Betta were my friend, too. Their story are widespread.

如果您保持斗鱼在一碗,一定要给予足够的浓缩铀。If you keep a Betta in a bowl, make sure you give it plenty of enrichment.

虽然并非雄鱼及雌鱼的交配时机,但我可以把它们放在同一个鱼箱吗?Can I keep male betta in the same tank as a female when they're not spawning?

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斗鱼在泰国具有长远的历史,是泰国一种传统的鱼只。The Betta has had a long history in Thailand and is one of Thailand's traditional fish.

斗鱼多种的颜色是基于其有不同的细胞内色素。Betta fish color variation is based on the color pigmentation in different types of cells.

斗鱼最初源自东南亚,早在上世纪90年代初便被引进到水族馆中。Originally from Southeast Asia, betta fish were introduced to aquariums in the early 1900s.

在斗鱼的母国是热带,这意味着水温相当强烈热闹,往往是进入80年代。The home countries of the Betta are tropical, which means the water temperature is quite warm, often into the 80's.

它们被用作鱼,从表面吃,例如小贝塔迷宫鱼类物种和活的食物。They are used as live food for fish that eat from the surface, for example small Betta species and labyrinth fishes.

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但证据表明这些十字架也称为战斗机以外的社区中可以找到一些著名的贝书籍。But the proof that these crosses were also known outside the fighter-community can be found in several well-known betta books.

因此,你的斗鱼的颜色由处于皮肤不同层次的色素细胞决定。Therefore, your betta colour is determined by the colour pigments in their colour cells which are found within the layers of the skin.

听着,一个真正的斗士绝对不会后退的,只有懦夫才不敢面对挑战!你最好能变强一些因为是时侯进行决斗了!Listen up. a true duelist doesnt back off from nobody cuz only cowards dont stand up to a challenge! You betta come strong cuz its time to duel!

这是不容易回答这个问题,但可能是较早斗鱼社会是没有真正的兴趣或准备养殖这些品种和它们没有认识到自己的潜力。It is not easy to answer this question but probably the betta community earlier was not really interested or ready to breed these varieties and they did not recognize their potential.

该水族馆内挂起塑料盒使用的是保持在一个坦克多个斗鱼,或记在一个鱼缸,可能扼杀他们的鳍适合自己的选择。The use of plastic boxes that hang inside the aquarium are a suitable option for keeping more than one betta in a tank, or for keeping them in a tank with fish that might nip their fins.