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他有袭警的暴力倾向。He tends to antagonize the police.

没有一家公司能与中国抗衡。No company can afford to antagonize China.

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别与那个女人作对,她很危险。Do not antagonize that woman,she is dangerous.

大厂商并不想过分地与政府发生顶撞。Large firms do not wish to antagonize the federal government unduly.

受体阻断剂能够阻断这类作用,进而影响血液流速They can antagonize that reaction, and a result they affect blood rate.

结论中等剂量的锌可以拮抗铅的毒性。Conclusion Middle dose zinc is enough to antagonize the toxicity of lead.

大豆苷元可明显拮抗豚鼠离体胆囊收缩。Daidzein could obviously antagonize gall bladder constriction in guinea pig.

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请保持友好的态度。不要挑起争吵或辩论也不要攻击其他用户。Always be friendly. Don't pick fights or arguments and antagonize other users.

噪声干扰是雷达导引头需要对付的主要干扰形式之一。Noise jammer is one of the primary jamming that radar seekers have to antagonize.

结论TET是通过拮抗GABAA受体而发挥毒理效应的。Conclusion TET's poisonous effects do exert by means of antagonize the GABAA receptor.

研究表明康氏木霉对向日葵菌核病菌具有较强的拮抗作用。The result showed that T. koningii had a strong ability to antagonize S. sclerotiorum.

你的冲动促进哲学性或宗教观点可能会触怒他人。Your aggressive promoting of philosophic or religious viewpoints may antagonize others.

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结论灯盏花素能对抗肾上腺素的升血糖作用。ConclusionBreviscapine could antagonize Adrena line-induced rise of serum glucose level.

结论雌激素能够拮抗UVB导致的皮肤氧化损伤。Conclusion Estrogen can antagonize skin oxidative damage caused by ultraviolet radiation B.

第三呢,我们在南韩和日本驻军,导致了这个局面。Third we antagonize the situation by having troops stationed in both south Korea and japan.

利用红外诱饵对抗红外制导导弹,仍是目前应用最广泛的对抗手段。Nowadays, the methods that infrared baits antagonize missile of infrared guided are widely used.

它们不希望得罪石油和天然气供应者俄罗斯。They don't want to antagonize oil-and-gas supplier Russia, which views NATO enlargement as a threat.

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同样地,中国也不应敌对印度,不应取悦尼泊尔、斯里兰卡、孟加拉国和不丹。Same way China should not antagonize India by cozying up to Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangla Desh and Bhutan.

结论复康片可预防或拮抗卡马西平对大鼠骨髓造血功能的抑制。Conclusion FT can prevent or antagonize the inhibition of hematopoiesis of rat bone marrow induced by CBZ.

中国不会放弃。他们会继续与日本敌对直到犯下一个错误。冲突升级。China will not give up. They will continue to antagonize Japan until a mistake is made. Escalation eminent.