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他已经达到了他的八十岁。He has now attained his eightieth year.

你都说了八十遍了。面对现实吧。You're in your eightieth. Please face the reality.

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我们全家和所有的亲戚都来参加祖父的八十岁寿宴。All our family came to our grandfather's eightieth birthday party.

上个星期天我们特地为我奶奶的八十岁生日准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜。We made a special meal for my grandma's eightieth birthday last Sunday.

托尼本内特的第一次的“双人舞”的专辑,发表在他的八十大寿。Tony Bennett's first "Duets" album was released in connection with his eightieth birthday.

为恭贺先生八十华诞,我们编选一组文章,以展示先生的学术风范。To congratulating on his eightieth birthday, this article selects and edits a group of his works.

下个十月大致上可以被认定为大萧条的开始。Next October will mark the eightieth anniversary of what is generally considered the beginnings of the Depression.

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1790年,为了庆贺他的八十诞辰,他召集了全国各地的戏班子来京为他表演。In 1790, to celebrate his eightieth birthday, he summoned opera troupes from different places to perform for him in Beijing.

在长度,精疲力尽的他长期生活的活动,他病倒后,一餐干野猪的肉,并死在八十岁的他的年龄。At length, worn out by his long life of activity, he fell sick after a meal of dried boar's flesh, and died in the eightieth year of his age.

正值21世纪的历史新时期,我们又迎来了建国以来的第八次基础教育新课程改革。In times of the new historical era of the 21st century, we are now faced with the eightieth reform in the new curriculum of basic education since the founding of New China.

乌尔比诺医生前年刚过了八十岁生日,官方为他举行了专门庆典,在答谢辞中他再一次拒绝了退休的诱惑。His eightieth birthday had been celebrated the year before with an official three-day jubilee, and in his thank-you speech he had once again resisted the temptation to retire.

企业文化管理的概念诞生于上世纪八十年代初期,是管理学者对日本与美国企业管理经验比较研究的成果。The concept of corporate culture management comes into being from early eightieth of last century. It is a result of comparative research between US and Japan management experiences.