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帝国主义的好战的统治阶级。The imperialist war-mongering ruling classes.

这是一场“帝国主义狗咬狗的战争”。This is an imperialist dog-eat-dog type of war.

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当时人们认为吉他是堕落的帝国主义乐器。Jazz was considered a degenerate, imperialist music.

帝国主义列强掠夺了许多珍贵的艺术品。The imperialist powers had pillaged lots of precious artworks.

新英格兰贵族出身的亨利?卡伯特?洛奇则坚决拥护帝国主义。Henry Cabot Lodge, a New England patrician, was a staunch imperialist.

在他看来,所有帝国主义强权都是一丘之貉。Nakajima said. "All imperialist powers were part of the same gang to him."

这件公案,也和帝国主义者赫尔利有关系。The imperialist Patrick J. Hurley has had something to do with this business.

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英帝国主义的巡捕向群众开枪,打死打伤许多人。The British imperialist police opened fire, killing and wounding many students.

第一次世界大战,使帝国主义各国的力量对比发生了变化。World War I, so that the imperialist countries has changed the balance of power.

而帝国主义者也总是喜欢以自己的强大来吓唬人的。And the imperialist always also likes to come formidably with his of gally person.

我们认为这两国之间的战争是一场帝国主义之间的狗咬狗的战争。We regard the war between the two nations as an imperialist dog-eat-dog type of war.

我们将为终结帝国主义战争和所有针对我们的阶级压迫而战斗。We fight for an end to imperialist wars and to repression of our class and its struggles.

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所有的人被武装抵御帝国主义和殖民主义的国家。All the people had been armed to defend their country against imperialist and colonialists.

卡斯特罗指出,这是虚伪的帝国主义霸权对古巴主权发动的另一轮攻击。Castro said it was another assault on Cuba's sovereignty by a hypocritical imperialist bully.

另外,凡中国人遇上这些帝国主义分子都会吐他满脸吐沫!In addition, all the Chinese people encounter these imperialist elements will vomit Tumo his face!

帝国主义列强多次强迫清朝政府割地赔款。The imperialist powers repeatedly forced the Qing government to cede territory and pay indemnities.

中国农业学家周立说,美国是“粮食帝国主义”。Chinese agriculturalist Zhouli goes as far as to call the United States a quote "food imperialist ".

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帝国主义列强的入侵打破了旧中国自给自足自然经济的正常发展。The imperialist invaders broke the normal development of old Chinas self-demand-self-supply economy.

敌人是行将崩溃的帝国主义者,他占领中国的土地是暂时的。Japan is an imperialist power heading for collapse and her occupation of china's territory is temporary.

作者作为帝国的成员在小说中仍有意无意流露出惯有的帝国思想。As one member of the colonizing country, Thomas Hardy shows thoughts usually held by imperialist countries.