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这里有很贴心的服务和建议!"Very good service advice" T. T. of Olympia.

奥林匹克运动会每四年在希腊的奥林姆匹亚举办一次。They were held at Olympia in Greece every four years.

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这四年的周期称为“奥林匹亚特”。This four- year cycle known as the "special Olympia."

是在奥林匹亚用…用聚光镜聚集阳光引燃火焰。It's lighted with the sunshine through condenser in Olympia.

第一幕发明家斯帕朗扎尼创造了一个机器玩偶,并为她取名为奥琳比雅。Act I The inventor Spalanzani has created a mechanical doll named Olympia.

全球机制是监测奥林匹亚一天可能会在今后的监测爱奥尼亚。The GM that is monitoring Olympia one day might be monitoring Ionia the next.

运动员图像上面印有“奥林匹亚”字样,右下角注有年份“1904”。Athletes above image printed with "Olympia" character, a low right corner Note year "1904.

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奥林匹亚是只让男人参加的宗教圣地,是崇拜希腊主神宙斯的地方。Olympia was a sacred place for men only, a place to worship Zeus, the principal Greek god.

长青州是华盛顿奥林匹亚西北部的4年制公立学院。Evergreen State is a public 4-year college in the northwestern city of Olympia , Washington.

昨晚,在赫尔辛堡主场奥林匹亚体育场,面对球迷长时间的掌声时,拉尔森不禁热泪盈眶。It was a tearful Larsson who faced a standing ovation at Helsingborg's Olympia stadium last night.

永不言弃,是奥林匹亚山上最挺拔的一棵树,它植根于命运却又从不屈服于命运。Never giving up , it's a flourish tree on the Olympia mountin, rooted dynasty but never bend to it.

2007年,史无前例的野火肆虐希腊全国,几乎摧毁了古奥林匹亚遗址。In 2007, unprecedented wildfires raged across Greece, nearly destroying the ancient site of Olympia.

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无城镇和村落遗址,在克拉迪乌斯河对岸,铁路支线旁有奥林匹亚村。No towns and villages sites, in Keladiwushi across the river, the rail link next to Olympia village.

从1934年起,顾拜旦和他的同僚们都表示赞成在奥林匹亚举行一个预备性仪式。Since 1934, Coubertin and his companions were in favor of holding a preparatory ceremony in Olympia.

在基于平均网速的列表上,奥林匹亚是唯一一个属于华盛顿州的城市。Olympia is the only Washington city that made it on to this list -- based on average broadband speed.

奥林匹克运动会古称竞技会,起源于古希腊,因举办地点在奥林匹亚而得名。Originally known Olympic sports, originated in ancient Greece, because of the venue in Olympia named.

奥林匹克火焰仍燃烧在希腊的奥林匹亚,然后由多名火炬手传递到运动会举办城市。The Olympic flame is still lit in Olympia and carried to the site of the games by a series of torchbearers.

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采集圣火火种在奥林匹亚古遗址进行。人们利用一面凹面镜,放在太阳下聚集自然的太阳光能量引燃火把。The flame is lit at the ancient site of Olympia by the natural rays of the sun reflected off a curved mirror.

但渐渐地,一些诸如南卡罗来纳州的格雷厄姆和缅因州的奥林匹亚斯诺的共和党人,也有同感。But increasingly, some Republicans, such as South Carolina's Lindsey Graham and Maine's Olympia Snowe, do too.

古代奥运会中断十五个世纪后,奥林匹亚城已完全埋在奥林匹亚平原下。Fifteen centuries after the end of the ancient Olympic Games, the Olympic city lay buried on the plains of Olympia.