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杰克转身对女族长。JAKE turns to the MATRIARCH.

甘地王朝的女家长正牢牢的把握着权力。The matriarch of the Gandhi dynasty is keeping her grip on power.

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莉莉斯被认为是女妖女皇和魔鬼女族长。Lilith is believed to be Queen of the Succubi and matriarch of demons.

我想可能Syri家族的女家长能告诉我们关于她的父母类似的故事。I thought the matriarch of the Syri family might tell a similar story about her parents.

我们的悲伤将以个人对家里的女家长的悼念来表达。My family's sorrow is to be expressed in personal tributes to the matriarch of our family.

警方说,死者是一名40岁的女家长,受伤的多数是学生。Police said the deceased was a 40-year-old matriarch of a majority of the injured students.

雌性成员形成稳定的家庭,并由女家长领导,包括她的孩子和雌性亲属。The females form stable families led by a matriarch with her children and female relatives.

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当然是我妈妈了。她的妈妈当然也是这个更大的家庭的女家长。It's definitely my mother. And, her mother is definitely the matriarch of the bigger family.

最近,我们曾报道过美德家族一只母象-“坚韧”的死亡故事。Recently, we carried the story of the death of Resilience the matriarch of the Virtues family.

回到1950年代那阵子,我们家还住在纽约。我的祖母,就是我们的女性大家长,她是有着钢铁般意志的女人。My grandmother was an iron-willed woman, the feared matriarch of our New York family back in the 1950s.

在坦桑尼亚,原始生物学家对黑猩猩的行为进行了研究。他们记录了一只是叫福娄的黑猩猩的死亡过程。In Tanzania, primatologists studying chimpanzee behavior record the death of Flo, a troop's 50-year-old matriarch.

在中国传统中,新郎应该接着新娘到自己家生活,最终新娘也会熬成婆。In Chinese tradition a groom would bring his bride to his family home, where she would eventually become matriarch.

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这群人中的银发祖母安静地主宰着这个聚会,其它每个人都准备好了满足她的需求。The group's silver-haired matriarch quietly reigned over the gathering, with everyone else poised to supply her needs.

她享受着现代中国城市中产阶级特有的舒适生活,身边有六个女儿和一个儿子的照料,作为备受关爱的女族长,这位曾祖母本人就是中国梦的化身。Surrounded by six daughters and a son to look after her, the great-grandmother is the coddled matriarch of Chinese dreams.

群落中最年长的女家长艾柯、她的女儿艾妮德、年纪仅次于艾柯的艾拉都是象群的领袖。Echo, the matriarch and oldest in the group, her daughter Enid, and Ella, the second oldest female, all emerged as leaders.

虽然妻子维多利亚没有参加这次欢乐之行,但无疑她事先把哈珀精心打扮了一番。While matriarch Victoria wasn't in attendance for the fun-filled day, there was no doubt she had dressed Harper beforehand.

从对白字幕我们了解到是Mo'at让Neytiri教导这个外星人,试试看能否让他明白森林中的行为方式。In subtitles we learn that the Matriarch has instructed her to teach the alien the ways of the forest, to see if it can be done.

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在博茨瓦纳的乔贝河畔,一个象群的领导者、守护者——精力充沛的女族长击退了入侵者。Leader, protector, and feisty old lady, an elephant herd matriarch drives off an intruder on the banks of the Chobe River in Botswana.

原子科学家居里夫人仅是左撇子,她女家长,一家子建树斐然的左撇子科学家。Not only was atomic scientist Marie Curie left-handed, but she was the matriarch of a whole family of accomplished, southpaw scientists.

女族长Raszagal和泽拉托授权的使用由于Aldaris'叛乱,其中包括执政官战斗在一侧的叛乱分子。Matriarch Raszagal and Zeratul authorized their use due to Aldaris' rebellion, which included archons fighting on the side of the insurgents.