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蒙古高原啊!Mongolia plateau Ah!

在高原建立一个兵营。Build a Barracks on your plateau.

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把珀罗普斯带到阿尔戈斯的高原。Bring Pelops to the plateau in Argos.

云贵高原三种类型。Type C is Yunnan and Guizhou plateau.

青藏高原演变史?Qinghai-Tibet Plateau evolution history?

在高原建立一个兵营和寺庙。Build a Barracks and Temple on your plateau.

拉市海是一块儿高原湿地。Lashi Lake is a stretch of plateau wetlands.

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三次平稳的高潮,没有射精Three "plateau" orgasms, without ejaculating

云南高原湖泊水生植被的研究。A study on lake vegetation of Yunnan Plateau.

在高原建立一个殖民和寺庙。Build a Settlement and Temple on your plateau.

该寺吸引了青Z高原各地的信徒前往朝圣。It draws pilgrims from across the Tibetan plateau.

美洲高原印第安人的上帝是郊狼。The God of the American Plateau Indian was Coyote.

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黄土高原项目在这些里面是最著名的。The Loess Plateau program is among the most famous.

高原多饮用酥油茶、甜茶。The plateau drinks the buttered tea, the sweet tea.

男孩啊,黄土高坡昨夜的酒,可好。O, boy! Is Last night's wine of Loess Plateau sweet?

高原生物宝库,神奇的青海湖!Plateau biological treasure, the magic Qinghai Lake!

青藏高原是世界第三大的冰储藏地。The plateau is the world's third largest store of ice.

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章多是一个平坦的高原,俯视克节朗河。Tsangdhar is a flat plateau dominating the Namkha chu.

公路绕着依拉瓦高原的边缘走。The Princes Highway skirts the rim of the Illawa Plateau.

因此,高原602具有可遗传的双胚特性。The character of biembryo of Plateau 602 was hereditable.