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他创造了共价键这一概念。And he coined the term covalent bonding.

共价键的定义是什么?What's the definition of the covalent bond?

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但对于共价键就没这么简单了。Well, with covalent bonding, it's not so simple.

而是用的同核,嗯,这是完全共价的。They say homonuclear. So this is purely covalent.

这就要归结与共价键。That is what gets crunched down to covalent bonding.

而关于共价键最关键的一点就在于共用的概念。And the key word for covalent bonds is the idea of being shared.

特别地,今天我们要专门讲一讲共价键。So specifically, today we're going to talk about covalent bonds.

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抗体能通过共价键结合在脂质体颗粒上。Antibody can be linked to liposome particles by covalent binding.

他有许多著名的发现,其中一个便是共价键。He's famous for a lot of things, one of which is covalent bonding.

是一个完全的共价成分,他的理由是他们都是同核共价。This is purely covalent because all it is is homonuclear bond energies.

然后鲍林更进一步,说这是一个完全的共价成分。And so Pauling went further and said this is the purely covalent component.

碳化硅是由碳和硅以共价键为主结合而成的化合物,属非氧化物材料。SiC is combined by and Si by covalent bond, Which is a kind of non-oxide materials.

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原子对电子的吸引能力,特别是在共价键中。The ability of an atom to attract electrons, and in particular, in a covalent bond.

那么,这就是我们所应该想到的基本思路,在考虑共价键时。So, that's basically the idea of how we are going to be thinking about covalent bonds.

就像与其类似的共价氟化物和高氯酸盐,都需要非常谨慎处理。Like similar covalent fluorides and perchlorates, it needs to be handled with extreme caution.

好了,然后我们看到,我们可以看到他的化合价,他们成共价键。CO Right, so you take the co here, and we take the valence here, and out of that comes covalent.

所谓共价键就是我们有两个原子,共用一对电子。A covalent bond is any time we have a pair of electrons that is shared between two different atoms.

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结果表明,高温超导材料属于具有部分离子性和部分共价性的晶体。It shows that the high Tc superconductors are the crystals with both ionic and covalent properties.

来这,And,Pauling,came,along,同代理在分子的不均等分享能量,了一解释多余的能量。Pauling and said the unequal sharing of electrons in a covalent bond can explain that extra energy.

然而,A1N是强共价键化合物,烧结活性低,而且A1N很容易水解引入氧杂质。However, as a covalent chemical compound with the wurtzite crystal structure, A1N is not easy to sinter.