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大机会可不常来。Big opportunities come infrequently.

不要常吃腌制或熏烤的肉。Eat cured or smoked meats infrequently.

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那个年逾古稀的老翁经常出国。Not infrequently does the septuagenarian go abroad.

男士送花不应该太频繁或太稀少。Guys shouldn't give flowers too often or too infrequently.

它是这条通道上的一个典礼,但同时是你偶尔会经历的。It’s a rite of passage, but also one you want to do very infrequently.

骨折可由外伤引起,但不常发生在腰椎。Fracture related to direct trauma, occur infrequently in the lumbar spine.

使用频率最高密码子为NNA,使用频率最低的密码子为NNG。The most frequently used codons were NNA and the most infrequently were NNG.

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到了中年,男人的性能力便不大常被提及了。By middle age, men's sexuality becomes something that is infrequently discussed.

那位年逾古稀的老翁经常从很远的地方步行去大明湖公园。Not infrequently does the septuagenarian walk over distance to Daming Lake Park.

不时看到云块开始聚集,大有天色马上要变的样子。Not infrequently the clouds began to gather, and there was every sign that a change was at hand.

标准很少发生变化,违反标准是不允许的,或者需要通过显式的异常情况来处理。Standards change very infrequently and a violation is not allowed or requires an explicit exception.

种类相对稀少,尤其是有蹄类和皮毛动物更为突出。Individuals of most species occur infrequently or very rarely, especially for ungulates and fur animals.

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一个开会次数如此稀少、疏于行动的董事会能帮助伯克希尔迈向未来吗?Will a board who meets so infrequently and does so little be able to help Berkshire bridge to the future?

它们大多数时间都栖息在树冠上,只有在交配、产卵或换至另一颗树的时候才会偶尔下树。They spend most of their lives in the canopy, descending only infrequently to mate, lay eggs, or change trees.

燕尾蝶有着相对于它们的身体而言十分巨大的翅膀,并且扇动的频率少见地慢。Swallowtail butterflies have particularly large wings for their body size, and flap them relatively infrequently.

这类数据可能是很大的,也可能是不经常访问只是在内存中保留,或者在重启时保持存在。The data can either be too large or infrequently accessed to keep in memory, or it should persist across restarts.

我的为数不多的几次跑步就像是巧克力蛋糕——总是梦想得到但实际上没吃几次。The few runs I managed to sneak in were like chocolate cake--a treat I dreamed about regularly but tasted infrequently.

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邮寄用的纸筒不常使用,而且与画图过程无关,所以画家将它们存储在壁橱里。Mailing tubes are used infrequently and are sufficiently unrelated to the drawing process, so he stores them in a closet.

如果你想让整装多活些日子,我们不能频繁地去干洗,而是要在需要时用蒸汽修整他们的形状。If you want your suits to survive, dry-clean them infrequently. Instead, have them steam-pressed when they need shaping up.

在转向虚拟化的过程中最小的收获在于测试、开发和其他不常使用的计算机。The lowest-hanging fruit in the transition to virtualization are in test, development, and other infrequently used computers.