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锌素过量还经常出现铁的褪绿症。Excess zinc often produces iron chlorosis.

故诊断将石灰性紫色土桃黄化病为缺铁所致。So the peach chlorosis on calcarious purple soil was diagnosed as iron deficiency.

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生长在石灰质和碱性土壤中的植物会产生铁胁迫黄化现象。Plants grown in calcareous and alkaline saline soils would suffer from iron stress chlorosis.

钾素营养影响黄化的机理仍不完全清楚。The mechanism of K affecting chlorosis is still not clear, as Fe deficiency chlorosis itself.

通过对酥梨缺铁黄化症的土壤分析、叶片分析来确定诱发黄化的主要因素。Major factors of the pear iron chlorosis were determined through soil testing and leaf analysis.

由此建立的量化指标体系包括了叶片褪绿程度的分级标准和叶片为害度的计算两个部分。The resistance index system was composed of scoring scale of chlorosis on a leaf of maize and the ACL ca.

复混铁肥土施矫治石灰性土壤花生缺铁黄化效果显著。Compound Iron Fertilizers had significant effects on rectifying peanuts chlorosis caused by iron deficiency.

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硝态氮通常与重碳酸根共同作用,成为石灰性土壤地区植物黄化的重要原因。Nitrate and bicarbonate coexisting in the calcareous soil are the two most important reasons for plant chlorosis.

所以控制土壤含水量能有效地防止石灰性土壤上花生缺铁黄化症状的发生。It is suggested that iron chlorosis of peanut grown on calcareous soil could be prevented by controlling soil water content.

研究了在盆栽和田间小区试验条件下,叶面和土壤施用铁肥以及土施酸化肥料对纠正花生缺铁黄化症的作用效果。Effect of different methods of Fe-fertilizer and acid fertilizer application on the iron chlorosis correction of peanut is studied.

近年来植物缺铁黄化病的普遍发生,影响了植物正常生长发育,尤其是果实的品质及人类的健康。The popularity of iron-deficit chlorosis has affected the growing of plants and the quality of fruits, and finally the human health.

树很容易缺铁,在许多西方土壤回应,但对土壤和叶面喷施螯合铁和其它营养素。The tree is prone to chlorosis in many western soils but responds to soil and foliar application of chelated iron and other micronutrients.

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高浓度的SO2能造成植物叶片失绿或坏死,抑制细胞分裂,诱导微核形成,导致部分细胞死亡。SO2 exposure could cause visible foliar damage such as chlorosis and necrosis, inhibit cell division, induce micronucleus, and lead to cell death.

镍过剩的显示症状不同于由单独缺铁引起的脉间褪绿黄绿化或黄化。An "indicator" condition for nickel excess which is quite distinct from yellow-green or yellow interveinal chlorosis caused by simple iron deficiency.

长期在菌根和非菌根植物和在不同的土壤P水平上,对所有的由早疫病菌诱导的坏疽和萎黄的叶片进行了研究。Alternaria-induced necrosis and chlorosis of all leaves were studied in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants over time course and at different soil P levels.

用腹接取代劈接和切接作为果树高接更新品种的方法对于克服缺铁失绿症、促进更新品种生长具有重要意义。It is important to replace cleft grafting and cutting grafting with belly grafting as a method of top working to correct chlorosis and improve growth of new cultivar.

临床症状和贫血程度与发病缓急有关,轻者除面色萎黄之外可无任何自觉不适。Clinical symptoms and the degree and incidence of anemia-related priorities, in addition to light from outside the pale chlorosis can be conscious without any discomfort.

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叶片活性铁含量与黄化程负相关,可作为参考指标应用于铁高效基因型葡萄品种的筛选。The active iron content of leaves positively correlate to degree of chlorosis and chlorophyll content, it can be a reference index to screen Fe-efficient grapevine genotype.

青春期女性慢性萎黄病主要是由于体内铁缺乏而引起的,其特点是小细胞低色素贫血,也属于缺铁性贫血。Adolescent women with chronic chlorosis is mainly because of the body caused by iron deficiency, characterized by low pigment-small-cell anemia, also belong to iron-deficiency anemia.

不规则边缘和脉间区开始黄绿色,接着全部脉间失绿,并有大量褐色坏死斑点,最后枯萎。也是典型的田间情况。Irregular marginal and interveinal yellow green chlorotic areas, followed by general interveinal chlorosis and profuse brown necrotic spotting and scorching, typical also of field conditions.