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见著一头成年的雄性红毛猩猩,总教人印象深刻。An adult male orangutan is an impressive sight.

苏门答腊猩猩的名字寓意“森林中的人”。The name of the Sumatran orangutan means "person of the forest."

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猩猩十分聪明,是真正亲力亲为的母亲。The highly intelligent orangutan is the ultimate do-it-yourself mom.

幸好动物保护官及旁观者无人受伤。Fortunately, none of the zoo officials or bystanders were hurt orangutan.

上面的这种购物袋就是这样,一只猩猩或者一个人类小孩。The shopping bags above do just that, with an orangutan and a human child.

一个幼猩猩由于有了适于抓握东西的脚,使它们吸吮拇指达到了一个新水平。A baby orangutan takes thumb-sucking to a new level thanks to prehensile feet.

这意味着群居的黑猩猩比独居的黑猩猩聪明。This means that the social chimpanzees are smarter than the solitary orangutan.

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通常手指都不够长,红毛猩猩就会以树的枝条制造工具。Usually the finger is not long enough, and the orangutan prepares a stick tool.

猩猩母亲则要做长达八年的独自养育幼儿的单亲家长。Orangutan mothers face up to eight years of single parenthood raising their infants.

红毛猩猩是现存亚洲最大的灵长类动物,也是最大的居住在树上的哺乳类动物。The orangutan is the largest Asian primate and also the largest tree-dwelling mammal.

一个管理员在一只雌性猩猩身上做了标记。下一步,他们把她放在镜子前面。A keeper places a mark on a female orangutan. Next, they put her in front of a mirror.

一只雄性猩猩是不会感觉到爱或孤独这些情绪,他有的只是季节性的性冲动。A male orangutan is incapable of feeling love or loneliness, only sea-sonal horniness.

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在韩国的一家动物园里,一只猩猩靠小风扇吹来的徐徐凉风解暑降温。An orangutan cools down with a fan at South Korea's Everland amusement and animal park.

他们在一片被石灰石悬崖隔开的丛林中发现了219处树栖类人猿居住的窝。There they counted 219 orangutan nests in a jungle isolated by jagged, limestone cliffs.

母猩猩自从和公猩猩结婚后,非常不放心老公。Mother orangutan since after marrying with fair orangutan, special do not be at ease husband.

伦敦动物园最受宠爱的是吉格斯先生,它是一只六岁大的猩猩,能够打扫自己的住处。London Zoo favorite is Mr. Jiggs, a six-year-old orangutan capable of mopping his own quarters.

一只年轻的猩猩悬挂在树上到树上在印度尼西亚国家公园。A young orangutan swings from tree to tree in Tanjung Puting National Park in Indonesian Borneo.

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伦敦动物园最受宠爱的是吉格斯先生,它是一只六岁大的猩猩,能够打扫自己的住处。A London Zoo favorite is Mr. Jiggs, a six-year-old orangutan capable of mopping his own quarters.

一只雄性猩猩是不会感觉到爱或孤独这些情绪,他有的只是季节性的性冲动…Then he splits. A male orangutan is incapable of feeling love or loneliness only sea-sonalhorniness.

与西洼地大猩猩相比,两个猩猩亚种所具有的遗传多样性要少一些。While the genetic diversities in the two orangutan subspecies are less than that in Western lowland gorillas.