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他蠢得让人难以相信。His stupidity is past belief.

可能是我自己愚昧无知.It may just be my own stupidity.

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他笑这军队昏愦。The stupidity of the Army amused him.

那么,我们正在面临愚蠢的蔓延吗?So are we facing an epidemic of stupidity?

仿佛只有愚蠢倒能永保安全!As if there were safety in stupidity alone.

她的美丽不能弥补她的愚蠢。Her beauty can't make up for her stupidity.

任何选择阿莫尔的人都是愚蠢的!Anyone choose AMARE is because of stupidity.

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勤劳和努力就不笨了吗?Hard work and diligence will prevent stupidity ?

这只是个蒙昧的例子并非不敦朴。This is an instance of stupidity not dishonesty.

简直是太愚蠢而无从选择。There was almost too much stupidity to choose from!

恶神咒骂着人类的愚蠢,走开了。The Evil God walked away cursing the stupidity of man.

不要以为某些没脑子的人不够笨。Never underestimates the stupidity of some no brainers.

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开始的几次会议他们遭遇了很多麻木和冷漠。At the beginning they met with much stupidity and apathy.

没有人会到把你从自己的愚蠢行为中搭救出来。Nobody will be there to save you from your own stupidity.

承认自己的伟大,就是认同自己的愚疑。To admit yourself bigness means accepting your stupidity.

自负是为了麻痹因为愚蠢带来痛楚的麻醉剂。Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.

人工智能从来敌不过天然白痴。No. 5Artificial inteligence is no match for natural stupidity.

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有贡献。他们的愚蠢思想让全世界都变蠢了。Yeah. Dumbing down the whole world with their sheer stupidity.

世界上唯有两件东西浩瀚无邈,一是宇宙,一是傻逼。Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity.

所以,你把自己的糊涂投射到那个你所看到的人身上。So you project your own stupidity onto the person you’re looking at.