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图腾崇拜,是古代大自然信仰中发展出的信仰形式。Totemism is a faith form developed in the ancient nature faith out.

图腾崇拜是最古老的宗教观念之一,这种观念源于原始氏族社会。According to his point of view, the origin of religion can date back to Totemism.

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傣族地区存在狮图腾崇拜的说法是值得商榷的。The argument that the lion totemism exists in Dai minority area is worth discussing.

鼓面上的青蛙是壮族图腾崇拜的标志。Frogs with different poses on the drum face in this emblem represent ethnic Zhuang's totemism.

从图腾神、自然神崇拜到血缘祖先崇拜,这是原始宗教发展的轨迹。Trace of primitive religion development was from totemism and naturism to consanguineous ancestors adoration.

其服饰、蜡染中常见的菱形、三角形等抽象图案反映了明显的鱼图腾崇拜。There are always abstract patterns of diamonds and triangles in Buyi clothing and batik, which reflect their fish totemism.

龙图腾崇拜是中华民族的共同心理,有极其丰富的内容和文化内涵。Dragon totemism is the common psychology of Chinese people. It is endowed with rather profound content and cultural connotation.

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中国古代原始宗教崇拜主要表现为自然崇拜、图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜等类型。Looking Through Explanation and Study of Principles of Composition of Character, the primary religious worship of ancient Chinese mainly and Totemism.

古典宗教涵盖范围广,包括鬼怪信仰,自然神信仰,祖先崇拜,图腾崇拜,占卜和巫术。Classical religion covered an extensive range of the belief in spirits and nature gods ancestor worship totemism divination and various forms of magic.

由于图腾观念的残存和影响,现今云南少数民族仍然保留着衣服后缀尾及羊皮褂保留尾巴的习俗。Nationalities in Yunnan still preserve the habit of a tail attaching to clothing or a tail preserving on the sheepskin coat due to the totemism influence.

彝族地区巫文化的产生,与以祖先崇拜为核心,集自然崇拜、图腾崇拜和灵物崇拜为一体的彝族民间原始信仰不可分割。The formulation of witch culture in Yi district, is based on the folk primitive faith of Yi, an organic whole of worshipping the ancestor, nature, totemism and efficacious things.