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回程的时候,我选择的是法国的TGV高速火车。For the return trip, i took the French TGV high speed train.

在法国,有三分之二的高速列车停开。Two-thirds of the country’s high-speed TGV trains were canceled.

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参观尼斯旧城,海滩,及晒太阳。Visit Nice, the Old Nice, Beach and the Sunshine of Mediterranean TGV.

今天你能乘坐TGV高铁两小时内从巴黎到达250英里外的里昂。Today you can travel the 250 miles from Paris to Lyon on the high-speed TGV in two hours.

但是在晚上,他却搭乘了通往马赛而并非爱丽舍宫的高速列车。But in the evening, instead of going to the Elysee, he's on the TGV fast train to Marseilles.

想当初呼啸着的子弹头列车和TGV表明着只有日本和法国才配有高速铁路。High-speed trains were once the preserve of Japan, with its "bullet train, " and France, with its TGV.

法国的TGV网络拥有长1200英里的轨道,每年运送一亿名乘客。France's TGV network comprises nearly 1, 200 miles of track and carried 100 million passengers last year.

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由于快车或高速铁路都没有行经卡奥尔,因此从巴黎南下到卡奥尔就需要五个多小时。There is no fast train or TGV down to Cahors, so the journey from Paris still takes a little more than five hours.

法国总统萨科奇将抵达摩洛哥,出席一条新高速列车线路建设的奠基仪式。French President Nicholas Sarkozy is due to arrive in Morocco to oversee the start of construction on a new TGV high-speed rail link.

帮助研发法国TGV高速列车的阿尔斯通早先取得了320台机车、价值三亿七千二百万欧元的合同。Alstom, which helped develop France's TGV high-speed trains, earlier clinched an order for 320 locomotives valued at 372 million euros.

我坐过法国的巴黎里昂间告诉火车,坐过德国的ICE火车,所以很想知道他们和“新干线”相比较会如何。I had been travelling on TGV trains in France and on ICE trains in Germany, so I was eager to find out how these would compare to the Shinkansen.

酒店是一家三星级酒店,靠近A7高速公路,10分钟到阿维尼翁中心,到TGV火车站也不远。The Novotel Avignon Nord is a 3 star hotel located close to the A7 motorway, 10 minutes from the centre of Avignon, and not far from the TGV train station.

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但仍然有人能从这块大蛋糕上分得一角。那些提供技术使中国的火车能够超过日本的子弹头和法国的TGV的公司更是能够分得较大的一块。But there is still money to be made, especially by the foreign firms that have provided the technology to allow China's trains to overtake Japan's bullet trains and France's TGV.

但是这里仍有外国公司牟取利润的空间,特别是那些能提供技术支持让中国铁路超越日本的子弹头和法国高速列车的企业。But there is still money to be made, especially by the foreign firms that have provided the technology to allow China’s trains to overtake Japan’s bullet trains and France’s TGV.

从1981年开始,第一列TGV开始在巴黎至里昂的线路上投入使用,法国就在欧洲建立全功能高速铁路网的竞赛中拔得头筹。Ever since 1981, when the very first TGV departed on its journey between Paris and Lyon, France has sped ahead of the rest of Europe in the race to build a fully functioning high-speed rail network.

我在法国高铁开通后的第三天,它是在,1981年九月二十八日开通的,我是在九月三十日去的,去里昂旅行,它一路上开的非常快,直到到了站I was on the TGV the third day it opened which was-- it opened on September twenty-eighth,1981, and I was there on September thirtieth, taking a trip to Lyon,though it only went fast when it really got to a certain point here.