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在这一场合,从严治党,是必须进行的。On this occasion, strictness is a must.

这是对她家里正统犹太教的清规戒律的明显反抗。It was an obvi reaction to the Orthodox strictness of her home.

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村子里所有人都知道他对两个儿子非常严格。All the villagers noted the father's strictness with his two sons.

这是对她家里正统犹太教的清规戒律的明显反抗。It was an obvious reaction to the Orthodox strictness of her home.

这位查氏夫人对子女辛勤教诲得到了皇帝的称赞。Cha's strictness with her children was highly commended by the emperor.

她高度赞扬了西格潘医生,但抱怨他过于严格。She had high praise for Dr. Higpan, although she complained about his strictness.

在美国,正式规则的严格程度尤其荒谬。And the strictness of the formalities, especially in the United States, was absurd.

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过于严格。放弃吃肉就已经很难了,再不吃高脂肪的坚果和鳄梨?!天啊。Downside Strictness . Giving up meat is hard, but no fatty nuts or avocados? Sheesh.

父母对孩子实行适度的严格管教或者适度的宽容放任,均可收到好的效果。Parents can get good results with either moderate strictness or moderate permissiveness.

质量评价主要考察资料的真实性,逻辑论证是否严密和前后一贯性。The quality evaluation included the validity of data, strictness and continuity of the logistic demonstration.

首先,我们当然要承认,从严治党,是非常有效的,尤其是对顽皮的学生。To start with, we certainly have to admit that strictness is very effective, especially to the naughty pupils.

针对公安系统的严密性,信息安全问题是移动警务通系统必须重点考虑的问题。Considered the strictness of the police system, the problem of information security must be specially considered.

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教师如果没有对学生的爱,就不会成为好教师。但教师对学生的爱应是一种包含了严格要求的爱。Instructors who have no love for students will never be good ones, but their love should also include strictness.

由于程序法的形式严格性决定了民事诉讼中诚信原则适用的补充性。The formal strictness of a procedural law decides the supplementary legal application to good faith doctrine in civil action.

随着车辆排放标准的日益严格,油品质量对车辆排放的影响显得越发重要。With the strictness of vehicle emission directives, the influence of fuel quality on vehicle emission becomes more important.

“智、信、仁、勇、严”,可以作为学管干部的基本素养。The virtues of wisdom, faithfulness, benevolence, courage and strictness can be regarded as the basic qualities of the advisor.

安乐死申请权应当局限于患者本人,由此才能保证安乐死实施的严肃性和严谨性。The right to apply for euthanasia should be authorized to the patient himself in order to guarantee the earnest and strictness of euthanasia.

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并指出刑事司法解释具有完整性、具体性、公开性、严格性等特征。The paper also points out that judicial interpretation of criminal law has the characteristics of integrity, materiality, openness, strictness.

特别是其考核体系的完善化、制度化和监督体制的严密性,在今天依然可以为我们提供有益的参考。Especially, the perfection and systematism of its official merit system and strictness of its supervising system can still provide instructive reference.

随着对环境保护的要求日益严格,应用一次性投资大、收尘效果好的电收尘器的单位迅速增加。With the increasing strictness to the environmental protection, the electrostatic precipitators of more investment while higher efficiency are widely used.