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哈蒙德夫人问,“为什么谢我?”Mrs. Hammond said. "What for?"

谢谢科林韩梦德的问题!Thanks to Colin Hammond for the question

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邓恩发现哈蒙德是他可能共事的那种人。Dein views Hammond as someone with whom he could work.

我听说麦当娜也在那里,还有汤姆.克鲁斯。I hear Madonna is there, and Tom Cruise. Senator Hammond.

在通常情况下,莫顿中学的学生平均每天会有20起违反学校著装规定的事件发生。The Hammond school usually has 20 dress code violations a day.

哈蒙德甚至更加激进,直接地挑战托马斯·杰斐逊总统And Hammond even aggressively, directly, took on Thomas Jefferson.

各位老师,刚刚拿到口琴英爱做些什么呢?我的口琴是铃木的哈蒙德。Hi, there. I have just got my harmonica Suzuki Hammond. And so where to begin?

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要想打破吉尼斯纪录,哈蒙德在每四个小时内只有20分钟的休憩时间。The Guinness Book of Records allowed Hammond a 20-minute nap every four hours.

南卡的詹姆士·亨利·哈默德曾经这么说,"名誉即是一切James Henry Hammond of South Carolina once said, I quote, "Reputation is everything.

“这名士兵的行为是实实在在的犯罪,”哈蒙德说。"The actions of one soldier were nothing more than criminal behavior," Hammond said.

哈蒙德说,尽管密歇根天气寒冷,度假村全年开放。And despite the frigid Michigan weather, the resort is a year-round draw, Hammond said.

不过哈蒙德医生表示,英美公司所调查的不但仅人们的吸烟方式。Dr Hammond suggests, however, the firm went beyond merely investigating how people smoked.

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“我否认波尔雪维克主义是合乎逻辑的,它根本就反对前提上的大前提。”韩蒙说道。I deny that Bolshevism is logical, it rejects the major part of the premisses, ' said Hammond.

哈蒙德打赌输了,被迫下河救宠物,但不幸被冲到下游淹死了。The couple entered the river in a bid to rescue their pet but Mr Hammond was swept downstream.

美国印第安纳州极西北部一城镇。位于哈蒙德以南,主要为住宅区。人口7,9。A town of extreme northwest Indiana south of Hammond. It is mainly residential. Population, 7,9'.

哈蒙德预计对许多限速20英里/小时的市区进行大幅的提升。Hammond is expected to couple the increase with an expansion of 20mph limits in many urban areas.

哈蒙德还说,他没有遭遇过其他孔子学院遇上的那种“后座力”。Hammond adds that he also hasn’t experienced any of the backlash other institutes have experienced.

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萕哈蒙德市长小托马斯·麦克德默特想要扩大试点项目的范围,让更多的垃圾清运卡车加入其中。Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott, Jr. wants to expand the pilot program to include more trucks in the city's fleet.

查理·梅的态度是有点嘲弄的,因为他和朱丽亚曾有过点眉目传情的事,而给韩蒙严峻地破坏了。Charlie May was slightly satirical, for he had flirted a very little with Julia, and Hammond had cut up very roughly.

早些时候,哈蒙德先生还说,有些航班已经被“适度延迟”,特别是那些将飞越大西洋的航班。Earlier, Mr Hammond said there had already been "modest delays" to flights, particularly those crossing the Atlantic.