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事实上,并没有"符合圣经的格调"这回事!But there is no biblical style!

圣经神学为什么重要?Why is Biblical Theology important?

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奥利金是一个伟大的圣经注释者。Origen was a great biblical commentator.

这套体系以人为中心,并不符合圣经教导。The system was man-centered, not biblical.

圣经神学是怎样的一门学科?What is the Discipline of Biblical Theology?

这是圣经提供的第二个人生比喻。This is the second biblical metaphor of life.

在这首诗中,有许多关于圣经的典故。In the poem, there are many Biblical allusions.

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是哪个圣经人物带领了出埃及记?Which Biblical figure led the exodus from Egypt?

在这之后其他还有圣经的形象。Again there is a biblical iconography behind this.

“该隐”是一个圣经人物的名字,也是一个地名。“Cain” was the name of a biblical man and a place.

而圣经的作者想描述另外一个故事。The biblical writer wants to tell a different story.

圣经中的词源根据是编造出来的。The etymology given in the biblical text is invented.

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爱的重建的圣经原则。II. The biblical principles on the restoration of love.

圣约神学是圣经全部启示的架构。Covenant theology structures all of Biblical revelation.

我的诘难是这个说法没有圣经依据。My difficulty is that this is not a biblical expression.

但结果他其实提倡圣经直译主义。But it turns out he is an advocate of biblical literalism.

这是圣经作家极爱的一种文学技巧。That's a favorite literary technique of the biblical author.

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一群亚米希人看起来就像圣经电影中的一个场景。A group of Amish looks like a cast from a biblical movie set.

现在我们看到,圣经资料在这点上有了分歧。Now, as we've seen, the biblical sources differ on this point.

圣经神学为系统神学提供丰富资源。Biblical Theology provides rich material for systematic theology.