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采取主动。Take initiative.

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白先生不压制积极性。Mr Bai does not curb initiative.

主动权已转到我方。The initiative has passed to us.

谁会反对你的倡议?Who will oppose your initiative?

谁会支持你的倡议?Who will support your initiative?

他在工作上没有主动性。He's got no initiative in his work.

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政治家必须有开创精神。A statesman must display initiative.

这个举措的目的是什么?What are the aims of this initiative?

这也是原动性的一个很典型的例子。It is a perfect example of initiative.

这种积极性是很可贵的。Such initiative is highly commendable.

你要占据主动。It is up to you to take the initiative.

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本计画由英国石油公司及福特汽车赞助。The initiative is funded by BP and Ford.

他工作很主动。He displays great initiative in his work.

它是建立在不屈不挠的进取精神之上的。It is built on the unhampered initiative.

雇主希望你能采取主动。Employers want you to use your initiative.

主动权已转到了我们一方。I wish my son would show a bit more initiative.

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重大政策之创制或复决。Initiative or referendum of important policies.

只有采取主动,你定会有所收获。Take the initiative. You’ll be rewarded for it.

“跳槽”是借势自我落实政策的主动行为。Job hopping is the initiative act on the policy.