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至少,她希望能遇到一个对她有一点点吸引力的人。At a minimum, she hopes for at least a modicum of attraction.

基本节点显示在顶部,包含少量核心字段。The basic node is shown at top and includes a modicum of core fields.

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他们希望这能带来人们对各地吉娃娃狗的一点尊重。They hope it will bring a modicum of respect to Chihuahuas everywhere.

对中国野心的一点担忧不仅仅是冷战思维的妄想症。A modicum of anxiety about its ambitions is more than just cold-war paranoia.

既然莫尔顿先生是位医生,我想他应该有点聪明才智。Seeing as Mr Moreton is a doctor, I would assume he has a modicum of intelligence.

在阿富汗的乡村生活中,哪怕一星半点的民主,也是难能可贵的。In the life of Afghanistan’s villages even a modicum of democracy is worth something.

如果新的催化剂“即使是取得一点点进展,那也是很大的新闻了”,Sabourin说。If the new catalysts have "even a modicum of success, it would be big news, " Sabourin says.

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在产品出口已经小有成就的基础上,柳工开始了海外制造的阶段。Modicum of success in exports has been based on overseas manufacturing started Liugong stage.

黄昏的洞爷湖显得更加得静谧,镜面似的湖水反射出太阳的少许余辉。Dusk appears even more quiet, alongside the mirror reflecting the sun lake like a modicum of rays.

泡泡屋有半透明的底部,能为居住者提供少量隐私。The Bubble Room has a translucent bottom half that provides bubble dwellers with a modicum of privacy.

酒店付给他少量的赔偿金,这实属奇怪,而其他投诉者从未得到回应。It is odd that the hotel paid him some modicum of compensation, whereas other complaints were never answered.

希腊人民在过去几年自尊心被摧残的厉害,这一举措还能帮他们找回一点自尊。The Greek people could thus regain a modicum of self-respect, savagely destroyed during the last couple of years.

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这位24岁的车手两次驾驶较差的赛车登上领奖台,所以他还是有一些自信。The 24-year-old has twice squeezed on to the podium with poor cars, so is entitled to feel a modicum of confidence.

这相比于那些缺少卫生设施或是只有依赖露天厕所的帐篷,已经可以确保一些他们的隐私了。This ensures them a modicum of privacy absent from many other camps, which lack sanitation or rely on outdoor toilets.

女主角,朱莉对她那种能“切碎玻璃”的口音做了微不足道的调整,不过大部分的工作都是靠她的眼睛,嘴唇和臀部来完成的。For her part, Jolie makes a modicum of effort with her cut-glass accent, but mostly lets her eyes, lips and hips do the work.

我们没必要把汇率战搞得那麽骇人听闻——但事实上确实存在某种冲突。We shouldn't sensationalize this idea of a currency war -- but there is a modicum of truth that this is some kind of conflict.

不管你获得名气的领域是艺术,文学,体育或是政治,你总是需要或多或少的能力。Whether you achieved fame in arts and letters, athletics, or politics, it was necessary to have at least some modicum of skill.

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即便你不会投身于动物保护事业,也会同意上帝的造物理应得到一点点尊重。Animal Welfare—Whether devoted animal lovers or not, we can all agree that God’s creation deserves to be treated with a modicum of respect.

没什么诱人投资选择的当下,美元已经成为拥有一定避险意愿的汇市投资者的“最佳”选择。In a world of unappealing choices, the U. S. dollar has emerged as the least-bad option for currency investors seeking a modicum of safety.

文化的和服曾一度被认为是过时之物而受到日本现代女性的冷遇。然而,时尚之都东京如今又掀起了一股和服热。There was a time when no self-respecting twentysomething Japanese woman with a modicum of style would have been seen out and about in a kimono.