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适用于液体,半流体的自动包装。Suitable for automatic packaging liquid and Semi liquid.

液体和半流体关系的各类装置。Various types of liquid and semiliquid relationship fitted.

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广泛适用于油脂、香料、洗涤剂等流体、半流体物料的定量灌装。It fits for the liquid or semiliquid's filling, such as grease, flavor, detergent and so on.

需要加注半流体润滑脂的集中润滑系统。Steel mill lubrication where a softer grease is necessary for specialised dispensing systems.

它也可以应用于任何需要半流体润滑剂特别是高温条件的地方。It can also be used anywhere a semi-fluid lubricant is needed particularly at high temperatures.

供挤出用的夹心馅料须选择合适的原料经处理后最终得到均匀的半流体物料,使之易于挤出、风味宜人。Filled material for extruded use must be uniform and semi-soluble, which makes easy to be extruded, and its flavor is pleasant.

综述分析了目前所研制的溶剂沥青型、半流体脂及高粘度油这三种润滑剂性能、不同配方下的特点等。Summarize performances and characteristics of different formulations of three kinds of lubricant-solvate asphaltum, semiliquid and high.

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提出应加强纳米粒子在循环系统用半流体润滑脂中的工业应用和自修复功能研究。It was pointed out that the application and self-repairing research of nano-particles in commercially formulated semi-fluid greases which were used for circulatory lubricating system.

本文论述起重机械减速器的工作特点,推荐在这类减速器中采用一种兼有润滑与密封双重作用的新型润滑材料——半流体润滑脂。This paper analyses the working condition of crane reducers recommends for it a new lubricant, e. g. semifluid grease lubricant, which may at the same time be considered as a sealing.

本文针对钢-铜摩擦副类机械零件表面的磨损,研制了纳米锡润滑剂、锡半流体脂和锡锌复合半流体脂。To research the exterior wear and tear of machine parts such as Steel-Copper tribo-pair, Nano-Sn lubricant, Sn semi-liquid grease and Sn-Zn composite semi-liquid grease were carried out.

综述分析了目前所研制的溶剂沥青型、半流体脂及高粘度油这三种润滑剂性能、不同配方下的特点等。Summarize performances and characteristics of different formulations of three kinds of lubricant-solvate asphaltum, semiliquid and high . viscidity oil which are being developed at present.