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用凝固点下降法测定了产品的分子量为478。The freezing point has been determined out 478.

把沸点,换成凝固点。Replace the boiling point with the freezing point.

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为什么会有高熔点,和凝固点呢?Why do they have a high melting point and boiling point?

可由此读取风挡清洁剂的凝固点。The freezing point of the windscreen cleaner can be read off here.

如果你想看凝固点降低,这很简单。Now. If you want to look at freezing point depression, it's really easy.

凝固点降低的时候,我们要从液体到固体。When we're doing freezing point depression, we're going from liquid to solid.

有问题吗?关于凝固点降低,和沸点上升。Any questions about those freezing point depression and boiling point elevation. Yes.

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乳状液水相的凝固点受乳珠尺度的影响,但受含水量的影响不显著。And it is the droplet size, not the water content affects the freezing point of water phase.

此方法比凝固点低压法易发生更大的实验误差。The method is subject to greater experimental errors than the freezing-point-depression method.

此方法比凝固点降低法易发生更大的实验误差。The method is subject to greater experimental errors than the freezing-point-depression method.

将基于最小二乘支持向量机的软测量模型应用于轻柴油凝固点的预估。Soft sensor model based on LS SVM is applied to predication of frozen point of light diesel oil.

过实验,改进了测定凝固点的方法,较之原方法更为简捷、准确.。The method of testing solidifying point is improved through experiments, which simpler and more accurate.

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沈阳油田为高含蜡、高凝固点的原油,原油集输十分困难。The oil of high wax content and high pour point in Shenyang oilfield is very difficult to gather and transmit.

井筒热流体循环是适用于开采高凝固点、高粘度原油的一种实用技术。Wellbore hot fluid circulation is a practical technology suitable for the production of high pour-point and high viscosity oil.

但是由于受到水凝固点的限制,TFE-H2O-TEGDME三元工质只适合在温度高于0℃的空调或二类热泵系统中使用。But the freezing point of water requires the lowest temperature of the system using TFE-H2O-TEGDME as working fluid higher than 0℃.

本文叙述了用中国计量科学研究院基准光电比较仪复现铜凝固点的设备及实验方法。This paper describes the apparatus and method of the realization ofthe copper freezing point using a NIM's photoelectric comparator.

“共晶”是指一种元素或者化合物的组合,它可以在比任一成分单独时的凝固点更低的温度下保持液态。"Eutectic" refers to a mix of elements or compound that remains liquid at lower temperature than either of its components does alone.

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空心抽油杆注蒸汽是一种适用于开采高凝固点、高粘度原油的实用技术。Steam heating system of hollow sucker rod is a practical technology suitable for the production of high freezing point and high viscosity oil.

最终所获两种乳化油配方的自乳化性、粘度、粘温性能、闪点、凝固点等主要使用性能良好。The new emulsified oil has favorable properties of viscosity, viscosity-temperature characteristic, flash point, freezing point and cost price.

我们来画相图,蒸汽压下降,意味着凝固点降低,和沸点降低。And we also drew a phase diagram to show how this vapor pressure lowering was going to imply freezing point depression and boiling point depression.