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除了疯人外谁会这样做?Who but a madman would act thus?

我是那第三个人,一个正儿八经的疯人!I’m the third, and I really am mad.

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我想我一定在某张疯人通讯簿上。I always think I must be on some nutty mailing list.

下一波入侵的遇战疯人由战士种姓组成。The next Yuuzhan Vong wave consisted of the warrior caste.

遇战疯人的突然入侵,对绝地武士团来说如同一声晴天霹雳。The Yuuzhan Vong invasion came as a shock to the Jedi order.

然而,在遇战疯人的征服中,它没能幸免。It did not survive, however, the conquest by the Yuuzhan Vong.

在遇战疯人危机期间,她救济难民的善举广为人知。Her relief efforts during theYuuzhan Vong crisis are well known.

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一名疯人莫鲁瓦死了,丹尼斯被控告谋杀。Soon, the madman Mauroy was dead—and Denis was accused of murder.

他们继续在遇战疯人入侵期间扮演主要角色。They continue to be featured players in the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.

我重新走进了那条名为“疯人街”的窄巷,想看看老宅。I went to see my old house, on a narrow street known as “Lunatics' Lane.

有些地方已经被遇战疯人改造得太深远,不可恢复。Some of the Yuuzhan Vong changes are simply too deeply rooted to remove.

我重新走进了那条名为“疯人街”的窄巷,想看看老宅。I went to see my old house, on a narrow street known as “Lunatics’ Lane.”

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她开始制订计划,利用这项技术对付遇战疯人。She began exploring plans to use that knowledge against the Yuuzhan Vong.

然而,遇战疯人的入侵把安蒂列斯又带回战场。The Yuuzhan Vong invasion, however, brought Antilles back out of retirement.

政客和媒体组织驱使这类疯人,他们玩完,我们也得玩完。Politicians and media organizations wind up such people at their, and our, peril.

直到把赫特人变成遇战疯人的同盟者,阿诺心中的失落才得到补偿。Anor was able to recover by bringing the Hutts into the Yuuzhan Vong fold as allies.

莱娅倔强的儿子阿纳金,在领导一次深入遇战疯人敌后作战的壮举中英勇献身。Leia's headstrong son, Anakin, died in a heroic mission into Yuuzhan Vong territory.

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阿诺计划用一名假装叛逃的遇战疯人击败绝地,但最终还是没有成功。Anor hatched a scheme to use a defector to defeat the Jedi, but this eventually failed.

大量迹象表明,驱逐疯人已成为许多种流放仪式中的一种。So many signs that the expulsion of madmen had become one of a number of ritual exiles.

老是有疯子写信给我。我想我一定在某张疯人通讯簿上。Nutty people are always writing me. I always think I must be on some nutty mailing list.