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但是意大利内务部长部长罗贝尔托.马罗尼说,意大利需要国际支持。But Interior Minister Maroni said Italy needs international backing.

汉他病毒只影响那些个人在内务管理工作。Hantavirus can only affect those individuals working in housekeeping.

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一些租户在内务和整洁方面缺乏可取的标准。Some tenants come short of a desirable standard in housekeeping and tidiness.

或者也许是内务委员会监管主席达雷尔伊萨议员?Or perhaps Representative Darrell Issa, chair of the House Committee on Oversight?

诺埃尔加拉格尔是在更衣室奈柏在英国赫特福德郡的内务。Noel Gallagher is in the dressing room at Knebworth House in Hertfordshire, England.

中心孔会内务中心指导管,您也可以看到,在背景中。The center hole will house the center guide tube that you can also see in the background.

新兵们回到宿舍又被分队长命令整理内务。New recruits are back to the dormitory was his commander ordered to sort out the interior.

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军队,警察以及内务部门的高级官员通常是革命委员会成员。High-ranking army, police and internal security officers often double as committee members.

二零零零至零一年度会期,内务委员会共举行36次例会。During the 2000-2001 session, a total of 36 regular meetings of the House Committee were held.

马陷入了泥窖,并大声喊,以鸡运行向内务,并得到农民。The horse fell into a mud pit and yelled to the chicken to run to the house and get the farmer.

巴基斯坦内务部长2月说,有可靠消息指马哈苏德被炸死。And in February, Pakistans interior minister said there was "credible information" Mehsud was dead.

巴基斯坦内务部长2月说,有可靠消息指马哈苏德被炸死。And in February, Pakistan's interior minister said there was "credible information" Mehsud was dead.

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同时,她还迫使她被指控挪用公款的哥哥从内务部长的职务上“下课”。And she has had to force her brother, accused of embezzlement, to stand down as internal-affairs minister.

如果这个以往任何时候都发生了,你希望能够冲出来内务和达成任何受伤的孩子在10-30秒。If this ever happens, you want to be able to dash out the house and reach any injured kid in 10-30 seconds.

多米尼克迪维内比,这位内务部长,同时也是前任外交部长,被认为是替代拉伏雷的不二人选。Dominique de Villepin, the interior minister and former foreign minister, is considered a front-runner to replace Mr.

受害者们双臂被缚,配备了德国的华特7.65mm手枪的苏军内务部队士兵从他们背后把他们射杀。Held on either side, the victims were approached from behind by an NKVD man equipped with a German Walther 7.65mm pistol.

内务部长也曾经警告过一个过度严格的法规将会导致这个国家的媒体自由受限。The interior minister has warned that an overly strict regulation could also possibly limit press freedom in the country.

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警政署也设有一个总督察和一个内务司调查警察不端行为的投诉。The NPA also has an inspector general and an internal affairs division that investigates allegations of police misconduct.

印度内务部长帕蒂尔说,将尽一切可能提供援助,对袭击进行调查。Home Minister Shivraj Patil says whatever resources are needed to render aid and investigate the attacks will be committed.

印度内务部长奇丹巴兰在巡视爆炸现场后表示,印度最精良的调查队伍目前正仔细搜索证据。Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram visited the bomb site and says top national investigation teams are examining evidence.