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高尔夫球手,赌徒,汽车收集狂人。Golfer, gambler, car-pooler.

Gonzo在内心里是一位技术狂人。Gonzo is a techno-geek at heart.

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这只是狂人的谵语。It's just the ravings of a madman.

他像狂人般地跌跌撞撞地走下了楼。He stumbled down the stairs like a madman.

作为电脑狂人和达人,我们对触摸技术都非常痴迷。As geeks and nerds, we’re super-excited by touch.

这是狂人之间的战争,这是怪物之间的战争。It’s a war between crazy people, between monsters.

对数学狂人来说,这是标准的指数衰减For math geeks, this is standard exponential decay.

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军事狂人重演越南战争游戏。Military enthusiasts begin re-enacting Vietnam War.

恩,英语狂人,也是我的梦想哦。Hehehehe, may you become a gal proud of your English.

消费狂人,请冰冻你的信用卡Freeze your credit card for serious spending stoppage.

我是个狂人,做耶稣所做的,是耶稣基督的驴驹。I'm a crazy man, do what Jesus do, be a donkey of Jesus.

我想我最后已经成为一个相当专业的偷车狂人了。And I guess I became quite the skilled maniac in the end.

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电子货币不再只是几个电脑狂人玩游戏了。Emoney is no longer just a matter of geeks playing games.

把这个方法用到你的产品上,你就会拥有一个营销狂人。Build this into your products and you have a marketing beast.

我打算埋头探究并成为一个全职的治疗狂人。I was going to dive in and become a full-time healing junkie.

而且不久之后,我们又象语言狂人一样喋喋不休地倾诉起爱意。Soon we, too, were talking like articulate maniacs re our love.

妇女格外谨慎,责任心也强,不会像狂人一样开飞车。They are too conscientious and responsible to drive like manias.

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他可是一个狂人!这样的一个小过失就让他恼羞成怒。He is such a fury! He just flied into rage at such a peccadillo !

这类的人在火车头论坛,狂人论坛有大把的。This kind person is in loco forum, maniac forum has big. Of course.

一个偏执狂人造人在138个爱因斯坦中挣扎求存的手记。A blog of a paranoid android striving to survive among 138 Einsteins.