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他是我们学校的专任老师。He is a full-time teacher in our school.

目前﹐黄锦祥牧师是本教会专任主任牧师。Currently, Pastor Shawn Huang is our Senior Pastor.

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现有教职员工150人,其中专任教师98人。The existing staff 150 people, including 98 full-time teachers.

学校现有教职工3400余人,其中现有专任教师2000余人,教授340余人。Among them over 2000 are full-time teachers, more than 340 are professors.

学校现有教职员工200多人,专任教师近160人。School of existing staff 200 people, full-time teachers, nearly 160 people.

学院师资力量雄厚,现有教职工53人,其中专任教师45名,教辅人员8人。At present, CES has 53 staff, including 45 teachers and 8 teaching assistants.

学校师资力量雄厚,现有教师总数为557人,专任教师313人。The college has a staff of 557 qualified faculty members, 313 of whom are full-time teachers.

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现有专任教师100人,其中教授10名,副教授23名,博士生、硕士生导师22名。There are 10 professors, 23 assistant professors, 22 directors of the Doctorate and the Master Degree.

因此关注独立学院专职专任教师的职业疲倦题目有着现实的指点意义。Therefore, concern for the independent college full-time teacher burnout issue has practical significance.

四专任工程人员姓名、出生年月日、住所或居所及身分证明文件。Name, birthday, dwelling or temporary residing address, and identity certificate of the full-time engineer.

汉骏纬语言讲师改聘专任助理教授申请案,提请讨论。I. Language Instructor Christian Hein's application for change of appointment as full-time assistant professor.

专任辅导教师对于与接案能力及目前辅导工作重点直接相关的课程需求较高。Full-time counseling teachers need more the courses related to case-dealing ability and current counseling focus. 10.

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拥有普通全日制在校生3700余人,专任教师163人,其中外籍教师30人。It has more than 3700 full-time students on campus and 163 full-time teachers, currently including 30 foreign teachers.

学校现有专任教师1279人,其中具有高级职称的教师593人,拥有硕士和博士学位的955人。Existing full-time teachers in 1279 schools, including senior teacher 593 people, has a master's and doctoral degree 955.

现有专职专任教师380人,其中副高以上职称教师158人。Currently there are over 7200 students and 380 full-time professional teachers, including 158 vice professors and professors.

专任辅导教师对于短期谘商学派、家族治疗、行动取向学派进修意愿较高。Full-time counseling teachers are more willing to learn short-term counseling schools, family therapy, and action-oriented schools.

全院现有教职工近500人,其中专任教师300多人,拥有一批具有副高以上职称的学科带头人和专业骨干教师。The college holds 500 dedicated teaching staff, among whom 300 are professionals including key members of professors and foreign teachers.

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第15条营造业应设置专任工程人员,负承揽工程之施工责任。Article 15 Construction enterprises shall set full-time engineering personnel to take the construction responsibility of the works contracted.

因为办学历史短暂,办学积淀匮乏,独立学院在发铺的入程中呈现了诸多的题目,其中就包括其专职专任教师的题目。As short of history and accumulation, Independent Colleges emerged a number of issues in the development process, including its full-time teachers.

补习班聘用外国人专任外国语文教师,以一年一聘为原则。When a tutorial school employs a foreign national as a full-time foreign language instructor, the period of employment shall in principle be one year.