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这里所涉及的数字,不能等闲视之。The numbers involved are not trivial.

当然,这一趋势不能等闲视之。Of course, this can’t be taken lightly.

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我们对这个警告不能等闲视之。We cannot afford to ignore this warning.

你的个人健康绝不能等闲视之。Your personal health is no laughing matter.

对待空气污染,我们可不会像你们那样等闲视之。We don't take air pollution lightly, like you do.

这样的违法行为不可等闲视之。Such an illegal act should not be treated lightly.

这个问题值得我们关注,决不可等闲视之。This problem deserves our full attention. It's not to be shrugged off.

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它带有一种等闲视之的意味,要望说话者如何使用。It's a word that--and it depends how a speaker uses it--can suggest dismissiveness.

只有人类创造出文明,这岂可等闲视之!Man alone has invented a civilization, and this is not something to be lightly dismissed.

起初,我尚等闲视之,认为其生长速度不过若蜗牛爬行,慢慢腾腾,如此而已。At first, I do lightly, that its growth rate, however, if a snail crawling slowly steaming, so it.

关于这一点,我现在向你提出严重的警告,请你不要等闲视之。I am now giving you a serious warning on this matter and I ask you not to treat this warning casually.

在人们心目中,当年的城隍庙不可等闲视之,以至连山名也因此庙而顺口叫做城隍山了。In that city, and lightly laid name is also therefore called Cheng Huang temple and hitting the mountains.

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我们是世界上首批亲眼目睹了大脑是如何失去意识的人,这一点光是想想就让人觉得不能等闲视之。We're the first people in the world ever to see the brain becoming unconscious, that's quite a sobering thought.

因此,各国政府都不会对这一现象等闲视之,都会采取各种不同的政策来解决区域发展不平衡的问题。So all the governments would adopt various kind of policies to resolve the problems instead of regarding it idly.

另外,鉴于本区域孕产妇死亡率本已很高,更不能等闲视之。This risk takes on even more importance in a region like this one, where maternal mortality is already way too high.

而这将滋生矛盾,让另外一个人感觉自己被等闲视之。This would create a "breeding ground for conflict" that would leave the other person feeling like they are being taken for granted.

看样子它和第一张专辑一样成功,但这一次,音乐界再不会有人对她等闲视之。It already looks like it'll be as successful as her first. And this time around, everyone in the music industry is taking her seriously.

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对于人生道路上的鲜花、鼓掌,有处世经验的人大都能等闲视之,屡经风雨的人更有自知之明。For life on the road of flowers, clapping, have experience in the National People's Congress granted to the wind and rain, and has the greater self-knowledge.

考虑到2008年的骚乱曾导致67名被认为抢走南非人工作的移民劳工被杀,马韦拉先生对这些警告决不敢等闲视之。Those are words Mr. Mawira takes quite seriously, given the xenophobic riots of 2008 that killed 67 foreign migrants who were perceived to be taking South African jobs.

离岸公司对我国外资法律、税收制度、外汇制度以及金融监管等方面的冲击不可等闲视之。Negative impacts from off-shore companies on China's foreign investment laws, tax system, foreign exchange and other financial regulatory systems should not be underestimated.