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谁会成为新的擂台之王?Be the new king of the ring!

我看见成群的人,在擂台上一圈一圈地闲逛。I see crowds of people, walking round in a ring.

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按滑鼠左键一下,进入「资讯擂台」。Click the left button of mouse to enter Information Arena.

当场跳到擂台上与石敢当进行了一场决半。On the spot to challenge and stone I dare a field of half.

一个有奖擂台问题一直没有解决。A rewarded emulation problem has remained unsolved for a long time.

查理肯顿是前战斗机不断得到机器人在擂台上的沉重打击。Charlie Kenton is an ex-fighter whose bots keep getting pummeled in the ring.

在图一中,元宵节在擂台上被情人节打败了。In picture one, the Lantern Festival is defeated by St. Valentine's Day on an arena.

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是的,类似演说角落形式的“擂台”,香港早已有之。True, Hong Kong has enjoyed its own counterpart of the Speakers' Corner for a long time.

中国功夫已经和世界高搏击擂台有了距离这是我们武术界的悲哀!Kung Fu Fighting Challenge has been high with the world This is our martial arts from the sad!

但是,他说,如果她们在擂台上能否同男子一样有机会,这还有待观察。But, he said, it remains to be seen if they will have the same opportunities in the ring as men have had.

今年9月,当那个时刻终于在上海到来时,王彬在中国现代音乐声中登上擂台。When the moment finally arrived in Shanghai in September, Mr. Wang entered the arena to modern Chinese music.

他于欧洲及澳洲擂台界中受尽赞赏后,那时候是他要在日本证明自己实力的时候了。After having gained the admiration of European and Australian kickboxing fans, it was time for Zambidis to show his stuff in Japan.

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1998年擂台之王赛事时肯恩进入联盟还不到一年,就在冠军赛打败奥斯丁夺下冠军。Less than one year after he arrived, Kane became the WWE Champion by defeating Stone Cold Steve Austin at the 1998 King of the Ring.

主要研究兩者运动项目之套路形式,并不包括散打、擂台、搏击及太极拳推手等运动形式。Excluding San Da, the martial-art-contest arena, reality fighting and Tai Chi Chuan Pushing Hands, the study focuses on set patterns of these two sports.

日本首相福田康夫在“政治擂台”上坚持了几个月,身心俱惫仍无力改变现状,灰暗离职,成为一年内日本第二个下台的首相。BRUISED , bothered and bewildered, a Japanese prime minister for the second time in a year has thrown in the towel after a few ineffectual months in the ring.

当日,除了球场上有刺激的七人榄球比赛,球场外还有精彩的摊位游戏、儿童吹气弹床、榄球挑战擂台!There will be an exciting rugby sevens tournament, game stalls and bouncy castles that are every kid's favourite and a rugby skills challenge corner for the visitors!

杨林一见情况不妙迅速开启埋伏在擂台周围的喷火阵,瞬时间许多道火柱汹涌扑向擂台,烧死烧伤的武者至少有几十名有余。Yang ling saw well quickly opened in challenge around the flame, the transient time many ways raging fire toward challenge, burn burn at least dozens of practitioners.

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我相信这将是迄今为止关于踢拳运动最好的记录片之一,因为世界上很多人已经知道了这些知名的选手,而现在他们将更深入了解到这些拳手擂台之外的生活。I think this will be one of the best Documentary about kickboxing so far, because so many people already know the fighters involved but now they will see them out side the ring.

继而却因为擂台上误杀雷老虎,性格再次发生变化,其间还经历了与雷老虎义女雷无双朦胧的爱情。Manslaughter on the ring and then mine but because Tiger, personality change again, during which also experienced with the adopted daughter Tiger Ray Ray unparalleled hazy love.

武馆馆主还专门把刘建功也带到了馆内,并且将刘建功绑在擂台旁边,安装了几把钢刀对准刘建功的身体。The martial arts also specially crowned the LiuJianGong also brought to the museum, and will LiuJianGong tied to the ring side, and install a few knives alignment LiuJianGong body.