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本文介绍了利用塑料袋进行马铃薯催芽的新方法。This paper presented a new method of potato bud forcing.

你可以用温水浸泡种子来催芽。You can sprout the seeds fast by soaking with warm water.

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能使枝条快速催芽的方法有很多。There are many ways to accelerate germination of branches.

为了打破天女花种子休眠,对其种子催芽技术进行了研究。The pregermination technique of Magnolia sieboidli seeds was studied.

提出了关键性的播种催芽技术措施,可保证优质种实获得快而高的萌发。A series of key techniques for quick germination of good quality fruits were suggested.

播种前应进行选种晒种、种子消毒和浸种催芽。Seeding should be conducted before the selection Shaizhong, seed sterilization and soaking in one.

主茎叶龄的增长速率虽然相同,但经过湿沙催芽种薯主茎叶龄比未经湿沙埋藏处理的提前生长一片叶。The growth rate of main stems are same, but the leaf age of the main stems are one leaf faster than normal treatment.

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催芽期间每天用清水淘洗1-2次,一般经24-30小时后多数种子均会发芽。Each day during germination with water washing 1-2 times, generally by 24-30 hours after the most seeds are germination.

本文以生产上发芽不整齐的皇后葵和香棕种子为材料,研究棕榈科植物种子的休眠机理及催芽技术。The seed biology characteristics, seed dormancy mechanism, and the methods to break seed dormancy were studied in this paper.

在对水曲柳育苗实践经验进行总结的基础上,提出了一种隔两年沙藏层积处理种子催芽的春播育苗技术。The authors studied the breeding technique of Fraxinus mandshurica seedlings in order to search after a set of practical way for breeding.

种子内含有发芽抑制物质且抑制物质在层积催芽过程中转化速度慢是导致色木槭种子休眠的主要原因。Inhibition substances in seed and the degradation of the substances during stratification were the main causes of seed dormancy of A. mono.

胚根长、下胚轴长度和侧根数均表现为随着催芽时间的增加而上升、随着倍性的增加而下降的总趋势。The radicle and hypocotyl length and number of lateral roots increased with increasing germination time and decreased with increasing ploidy.

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根据青藏高原的气候条件,重点测试了各品种对冷害、盐害的抗逆力,并研制了提高种子活力的催芽剂。In association with the climatic condition of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the resistance to chilling injury and salt stress of the cultivars were tested.

由于甜瓜种子发芽需氧量高,催芽期间还应注意透气要好,否则会严重降低发芽率。Due to high, melon seeds germinated outfalls during germination should also pay attention to breathe freely, otherwise, it will severely reduces better germination.

早稻不催芽直播育秧,抗寒力强,成秧率高,可早播、早插、早熟和省工、省种。The technology of non pregermination and direct seeding of early rice has good growing charactristics such as high capability of cold tolerance and high rate of seedling.

通过苗期试验,以烤烟品种K326,云烟85为材料,比较了催芽型烤烟包衣种和常规包衣种对漂浮育苗中出苗时间、出苗率以及根系、叶片干鲜重、根系活力等的影响。Through the test conducted during the seedling stage, the effects of primed pelleted seeds and non-primed pelleted seeds of two flue-cured tobacco varieties-K326 and Yunyan85.

利用黔糖3号果蔗蔗茎梢部芽段和芽片作种源,经不同调节剂催芽促根、杀菌剂灭菌消毒的复式浸种处理后,进行土壤浅层密植育苗技术试验。The top bud section and bud slice of sugarcane stem of Qiantang 3 treated by different conditioning and bactericide agents was conducted to raise seedlings on the shallow soil.

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杜松种子属于中度有机体休眠类型,种子不经催芽处理,播后当年不发芽或发芽率很低。The Seed of needle juniper is a type of the medium dormancy. It does not germinate in the year of sowing or in every low percentage without pretreatment to accelarate germination.

随着气温回升,茶树也渐渐开始萌动,应进行修剪,并及时追施“催芽肥”,促其多分枝,多发叶,提高茶叶产量。With the rise of temperature, tea also gradually began to sprout, should be pruned, and timely topdressing "vernalization fat", promoting the multi branch, multi leaf, increase the yield of tea.

通过多种方法的催芽试验和种子解剖、以及种胚发育的观察,山茱萸种子发芽困难被归因于种予的种壳内存在发芽抑制物质。According to germination experiment, seed dissection and observation of embryo development, it has been considered some inhibitors must existed in the seed coat, which made germination difficult.