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为什么勾践要选择屈服和卧薪尝胆。Why choose Gou yield and Revival.

这与家喻户晓的勾践卧薪尝胆的典故如出一辙。This is the story of hardships known Gou same.

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我们整个夏天都卧薪尝胆。We had a bad taste in our mouth the whole summer.

后越王勾践卧薪尝胆,任用文种和范蠡重振国政。The King of Yue, Gou Jian submitted and sued for peace.

你认为是越王勾践卧薪尝胆发奋励志?You think it was the resolution of Goujian, the Yue king?

越王勾践卧薪尝胆,于是有了“苦心人,天不负”这样的豪言壮语。Yue hardships, they have "good people who live day" such words.

卧薪尝胆的故事不就告诉我们忍耐的美德吗?Story on the hardships do not tell us the virtues of patience it?

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苦心人、天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。Painstakingly days live, Revival, 3000 Miss Vietnam A can swallow.

也许,关于亲密,你只能自己定义,靠自己卧薪尝胆。Maybe the rules of intimacy are something you have to define for yourself.

卧薪尝胆一年之后,拜仁用一场胜利宣告了自己的回归。One year after the hardships, Bayern with a victory in his return declared.

在后来的两年中,可以说我们是卧薪尝胆地把这个产品做出来了。Two years later, we can say that we are hardships to bring out the products.

苦心人,天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。Good people, days, three thousand more can sleep on the brushwood, swallow wu.

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如今,辽宁盼盼正卧薪尝胆,矢志要在新赛季大干一场。Now, Liaoning Panpan is Woxinchangdan, determined to be a Range in the new season.

因为享受国际援助永远比卧薪尝胆舒服,他们彻底放弃了信念。And because enjoying assistance is always much easier than enduring hardship, they totally abandoned faith.

从这些天资聪颖、卧薪尝胆、开天辟地的华裔的故事中,我们可以看到从中国移民到澳洲后的真正好处。These wonderkids, hard-grafters and pioneers show some of the real benefits of immigration from China to Australia.

在经过04-05赛季的卧薪尝胆后,科比在05-06赛季展现出了非同寻常的胜利渴望和领导才能。After the White House after the 2004-05 season, Bryant 05-06 in the season show the extraordinary victory of desire and leadership.

文章详细地讲述了中国春秋末期越王勾践如何以阶下囚的身份卧薪尝胆,最后击败吴王夫差的故事。Article describes in detail China's Spring and Autumn Period Goujian how to hardships as a prisoner, and finally beat Fuchai story.

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也就是这种爱,这种报效祖国之爱,给了我“卧薪尝胆”和19年坚持留在大陆打拼的动力。So the love which serving country's love that provides me the power for revival and have insisting on working for 19 years in motherland.

人类比我们认为的更能屈能伸、更能卧薪尝胆,就像2005年的一项跟踪透析病人的情绪变化的研究中证明的那样。Humans are more resilient than we think and can endure trying times, as demonstrated in a 2005 study that tracked mood changes in dialysis patients.

为了尽早摆脱这一“停滞期”,朝鲜选手卧薪尝胆,不断在国际比赛中磨练自己,积累经验。As soon as possible in order to shake off the "standstill period" North Korea's hardships, continue to hone in international competitions themselves and gain experience.