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这个老人漫无边际的聊着他的青年时代。The old man rambled about his youth.

老人漫无边际地闲谈他的青年时代。The old man rambled on about his youth.

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他同事调情时那些漫无边际的话使他感到呕心。He felt sick of the broad words of his colleagues' flirting.

有耐心,让每一位发言者把话说完,即使他们漫无边际。Be patient and let each speaker finish, even if they drone on.

这简直是一种酷刑——只有我一个人和漫无边际的旅途。It was torture – just me and an endless stretch into the distance.

如果你射击的时候没有目标,那每一枪都是漫无边际的。You know, if you shoot for nothing, you'll hit it aimlessly every time!

过去,我还常常漫无边际地想像自己长大了以后做什么,要成为什么样的人。I used to imagined what to be and what kind of people I would be when grow up.

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相反,埃里森发表了一篇在许多人看来有点漫无边际的主旨演讲。Instead, Ellison delivered a OpenWorld keynote that many found to be rambling.

迎著清凉的夜风,我的思绪也像这月光一样,上天入地、漫无边际了。Faced to the cool wind of night, my feeling, just like the moonlight, was rambling.

他们将永远无法消除中国股市漫无边际的赌博性质,他说。They will never be able to erase the rambling-gambling nature of China's markets, he said.

裸露的岩层通常出现在比如周围是漫无边际的平原小山丘上。Bedrock outcrops commonly occur as small mountains surrounded by extensive erosional plains.

打击恐怖分子的每次成功都提醒我们注意到这个敌人的漫无边际的野心。Every success against the terrorists is a reminder of the shoreless ambitions of this enemy.

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讨论会漫无边际地进行了几小时,讨论的结果有负我的期望。The discussion meandered on for hours, and its results didn't measure up to my expectations.

漫无边际的荒草在努力的向上生长着,覆盖了天空,失去了原来的颜色。Endless efforts of the grassland in the growing up, covering the sky, lose their original color.

他们不象法国人那样喜欢漫无边际的幻想,也不象英国人那样讲派头、要面子。They do not like the French people did like idle fantasy, as the British did not say posture to face.

当你放飞在漫无边际的天空,你会遇到各种各样的风,从你的根去吸取力量吧!Find your strength from your root in your journey to the unlimited sky while facing all kinds of wind.

也许你容易被一些简单的事物,如刚刚割过的草地的味道,把你带入漫无边际的遐想。Perhaps you're easily carried away on a wild reverie by something as simple as the smell of fresh cut grass.

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据报道白兰度即兴创作了角色而坎默尔抄录了他们漫无边际的谈话并创造了叙事。It reported that Brando improvised the characters while Cammell transcribed their ramblings and created a narrative.

可是,伊底普斯情结无法漫无边际地运作,当社会的形态越来越失去悲剧的情怀。Yet the Oedipus complex cannot run indefinitely in forms of society that are more and more losing the sense of tragedy.

一般教师不会主动引导儿童漫无边际地想象。儿童自发的想象活动却被认为是健康的,也是有目的性的。And while teacher-directed fantasy is discouraged, fantasy play initiated by the child is viewed as healthy and purposeful.