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练习耐性。Practice patience.

他应该耐性等待,并开始存钱?Should he be patient and save?

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他养成忍耐性。He schools himself to patience.

我求佛赐我耐性。I asked Buddha to grant me patience.

这些人忍耐性很强。These people have a strong patience.

事已无法可救,只得耐性容忍。情感天地聊天室。What cannot be cured must be endured.

绿色暗示着稳定性和耐性。Green suggests stability and endurance.

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威震天算不了什么的,如果他没有耐性。Still, Megatron is nothing. if not patient.

我终于失去耐性,朝她大吼起来。Finally I lost my patience and shouted at her.

足球青少年运动员的外向,忍耐性强。Soccer young athletes outward , strong tolerance.

他那始终如一的耐性、好脾气、奉献精神等。His unfailing Patience, good humour, devotion, etc.

温文的人一定会耐性地等候主。The meek will usufriend wait patiently for the Lord.

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可能北京政府对董建华已失去耐性。Beijing's patience with Mr Tung had probably run-out.

另外,蛋白质的化学耐性也被仔细检查。The protein's chemical hardiness is also scrutinized.

有些是坐不住,不能保持安静或者没耐性。Others are unable to sit still, stay quiet or be patient.

在纹章学中,橙色代表力量和耐性。In heraldry, orange is symbolic of strength and endurance.

你的耐性表明你是一个很专一的人。Your patience indicates that you are a very single-minded man.

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她像个孩子一样,总是不懂事的挑逗他的耐性。She is like a child, always not sensible to tease his patience.

尽管我们无法接受这种状况,但我们大多数人需有更多的忍耐性。Though we may not easily admit it , most of us need more patience.

阿尔米格尔发现大豆各品种对铝有不同的耐性。Armiger found differential tolerance to Al among soybean varieties.