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神气活现的微笑是很迷人的。A cocky smile is attractive.

有个暴发户在舞会上神气活现地四处走动。A parvenu swaggers by oneself at a party.

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她穿着全套新衣服神气活现地走着。She was prancing along in her new outfit.

他和他那帮打手神气活现地走出了那间酒吧。He with his hatchet men swaggered out of the bar.

神气活现的狗犹如满街的霓虹灯。The cocky lordly dogs like the neon lamps over the streets.

那时他只需神气活现满不在乎地吹吹口哨她们就来了。He had whistled in a masterful, careless way, and they had come to him.

虽然全身是伤,这把吉他却神气活现地说著话。Despite its obvious maladies , the guitar spoke with conviction and swagger.

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爱玲神气活现地走了进来,她苗条的身躯照常穿得很华丽。Aileen came briskly , vigorously in, her beautiful body clothed as decoratively as ever.

布朗不像利兰那末神气活现。他很友好、随和,就像我们普通老百姓一样。Jimmy ins't a stuffed shirt like Elegant -- he's a friendly, informal guy like us ordinary people.

他们神气活现地蹦着、舞着、跳过椅子和长凳,最后跳出了房子再也没有回来。Then they hopped and danced about, jumping over chairs and benches. Finally they danced out of the house.

“他干劲十足,神气活现,”凯利赫回忆道,当时他为佩克创建的“前线新闻”公司工作。"He had lots of drive and panache ", recalls Kelliher, who worked for Frontline News, a company founded by Peck.

银白色的鸽子飞落在石狮的头上或喷泉池的边上,然后沿着走道神气活现地蹦跳着。Silver pigeons lighted briefly on the heads of the lions or the rims of fountains , and strutted along the walks.

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加入神气活现的杰克船长的海盗队伍,来一场奇遇怪兽,探寻宝物,向着公海进发的探险吧!Join Captain Jack's swashbuckling band of buccaneers for a monster-meeting, treasure-seeking, high-seas adventure!

在今年瑞士科尔举行的阿尔卑斯“美髯大会”上,随处可见那些奇奇怪怪的小胡子和神气活现的鬓角胡须。Marvelous moustaches and swashbuckling sideburns packed out this year’s Alpine Beard Festival in Chur, Switzerland.

现实生活中的贾斯珀神气活现,是一只非常可爱的宠物猫,阿比很漂亮。它们跟随主人多年,深受宠爱。Jasper in the flesh is very hoity-toity, in a good cat way, and Abby's gorgeous. They're old family pets, much beloved.

喂!加入神气活现的杰克船长的海盗队伍,来一场奇遇怪兽,探寻宝物,向着公海进发的探险吧!Ahoy! Join Captain Jack's swashbuckling band of buccaneers for a monster-meeting, treasure-seeking, high-seas adventure!

等到电影完成过半的时候,他们已经很了解这些角色了,角色们也开始在画面上神气活现起来了。As they get to the halfway point of the film, now they know the character well and they are screaming through the frames.

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这时西巴轩在一段路外出现了,神气活现的大踏步走着,显得他自以为非常了不起。Sebastian now appeared in the distance, a mannish spring in his stride, and with every evidence that he took himself seriously.

在纽约春季时装展'09,神气活现的谭燕玉模型沿着跑道穿牡丹的创作来生活。During the New York Spring '09 Fashion Show, the Vivienne Tam models strutted down the runway wearing peony creations that came to life.

一位现代学者实现了时间旅行,变更了身份、神气活现并且享受着1810年伦敦的魅力。The Anubis Gates. Tim Powers. A modern scholar gets caught up in time travel, body-swapping, swashbuckling, and sorcery in London, circa 1810.