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五味子属植物是我国传统的中药材。Schisandra is Chinese traditional medicinal materials.

研究了北五味子多糖的降脂减肥作用。The functions of SCP in reducing weight and fat were studied.

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本文主要对五味子提取物的降血脂作用进行了初步研究。In this paper, to study the Schisandra's hypolipidemic effect.

北五味子是东北三省重要的地道药材。Schisandra chinensis is the genuine medicinal plant in northeast china.

目的建立五味子水煎物的HPLC指纹图谱。Objective Setting up HPLC finger-print chromatogram of decoction of Schisandra chinensis.

而南五味子粒小肉薄显干瘪,种子粗糙无光泽。South Schisandra is singly small, flesh thin, looked withered, seeds there is no gloss rough.

五味子酒对人体具有保健作用,不仅可改善睡眠,还具有保肝益肝作用。The wine has several functions, which can therapy neurasthenic and protect and benefit to liver.

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结论在所选试验和剂量范围内五味子的乙醇粗提物未显示致突变作用。Conclusion Mutagenic function was found of the Crude Extract from Schisandra chinensis in this study.

五味子木脂素软胶囊的研制改善上述的诸多问题。Fruit of Chinesemagnoliavine wooden fat element soft capsule developmentimprovementabove many questions.

结论五味子宁神口服液有明显的镇静、催眠、抗惊厥作用。Conclusion Wuweizi Ningshen Oral Liquid possesses obvious sedative, hypnotic and anti-convulsion effects.

目的探讨当归与五味子及由二者组成的复方的超临界萃取工艺。OBJECTIVE To study the extraction process of essential oil from Angelica sinensis and Schisandra sphenanthera.

研究工业五味子醇提残渣中多糖的提取工艺。To study the optimal water extraction technology of polysaccharide from ethanol-insoluble residue of Schisandra.

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综述了五味子科植物中主要成分木脂素类的结构类型和氢谱特征。This paper reviewed structural and 1H NMR spectroscopic characteristics of lignans from plants of Schisandraceae.

吉林博维五味子GAP种植区环境质量良好,符合绿色药材栽培的环境质量要求。The environment quality of the GAP base complied with the requirement of the organic drug cultivation environment.

结论所建立的HPLC指纹图谱可用于五味子水煎物的质量控制。Conclusion The HPLC finger-print chromatogram can be used to control the quality of decoction of Schisandra chinensis.

结论该法准确可靠,为更好地研究五味子的质量状况提供了依据。ConclusionThe method is feasible, and it can be used for the quality control of the Schisandra chinensis Turcz. Baill.

结果发现,五味子提取液能提高SOD活性,明显降低静脉血中LPO含量,缩小心肌梗塞范围,减轻心肌梗塞程度。The results showed that SOD activity was enhanced, LPO content lowered, infarct size reduced and infarct degree lowered.

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方法对77批五味子作了性状、薄层色谱鉴别、含量测定和杂质等方面的检验。Methods 77 batches of Fructus Schisandrae chinensis were determined by characters, TLC, HPLC and secondary tube array etc.

五味子和野藿香花粉醇提物对酪氨酸酶二酚氧化活性有较好的抑制作用。Ethanol extracts of schisandra, wild ageratum pollen had the stronger inhibitory activity of tyrosinase to oxidize diphenol.

利用同步荧光法考察五味子甲素、五味子乙素对SA和大黄酸、大黄素、大黄酚对LYSO构象的影响。The effects of Chinese herb active components on the conformation of SA and LYSO were investigated by synchronous fluorescence.