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现在我已经整整增大了一个罩杯。I have added a full cup size.

增大的恐慌到处传播谣言。Growing panic blew the rumour about.

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为什么锻炼会让大脑增大?Why would exercise bulk up your brain?

它将会使我的睾丸增大吗?。How long should I take MAXMAN Capsules?

在正位片上心影增大。On the frontal film the heart is large.

我们发现丰富的矿脉突然增大了。We discovered the rich lode bellied out.

这是为了增大它的锁紧力。This is to increase its locking strength.

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脉压增大,水冲脉。Wide pulse pressure, water hammers pulse.

那位孕妇有增大的下腹。The pregnant woman have an enhuged abdomen.

地穴恶魔的碰撞体积稍微增大。Crypt Fiend pathing size slightly increased.

肾脏错构瘤会随着年龄增长而增大。Renal hamartomas increased in size with age.

我应该增大发射功率吗?Q Code QSO Shall I increase transmitter power?

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随着吸收剂量的增大,凝胶含量增加。The gel fraction increases with absorbed dose.

从这个角度上看,同样增大了GDP。From this point of view, it also magnifies GDP.

并非所有的向斜都增大返回能。All synclines do not increase the return energy.

随着应力的增大,观察到了谱峰明显的蓝移。A blue shift was observed with increasing stress.

他将一笔本来很可观的财富增大了四倍。He has quintupled a fortune already considerable.

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房价虽然下跌,但购房风险同时也增大了。Prices may be down but the risks have also grown.

然而,偶尔雨量增大,盐场则溢水成湖。Occasional rains do, however, fill them with water.

黄铁矿的氧化速率增大。The rate of oxidation reaction of pyrites increased.