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我们为什么要学习土壤学?Why do we study soil?

土壤矿物的研究是土壤学研究的前沿基础领域。Soil mineralogy belongs to the frontier and basis of pedology.

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分形几何在土壤学中的应用及其展望。Application of Fractal Geometry in Pedology and its Prosptects.

作物与土壤学的另一方面是草坪的管理。Another aspect to Crop and Soil Sciences is turf grass management.

对主修作物和土壤学的学生的需求量正在逐渐增加。The need for students majoring in crop and soil sciences is growing.

作物学和土壤学关系密切。There is a close relationship between crop science and soil science.

课程可能包括土壤学,草坪管理,病虫害防治。Courses are likely to include soil science, turf management, and pest control.

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土壤质量的研究正逐步成为国际土壤学的研究热点。The research of soil quality is becoming the focused topic of the international pedology.

今后土壤学必须为人类享有充足的食物和清洁的环境作出贡献。Soil science must make an important contribution to that mankind enjoys enough foods and a clean environment.

土壤空间分布规律的分析一直是土壤学研究的重要课题。The analysis of soil spatial distribution pattern is constantly an important research aspect in soil science.

土壤学是解决人口—资源—环境—粮食矛盾的重要学科之一。Soil science is one of the key sciences to solve the problems about population, resources, environment and food.

土壤微形态学是土壤学的一个重要分支学科。As a important subject of pedology, soil micromorphology was setup in 1930s and solved many questions of pedology.

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作物与土壤学是一门多样化专业,它包括农作物生产和土壤管理的各个方面。Crop and Soil Sciences is a diverse profession that encompasses all aspects of crop production and soil management.

土壤空间变异作为土壤科学研究中的热点,引起了广泛的关注,但其定量描述一直困扰着土壤学家。With the spatial analytical method applied in soil spatial variability, the quantitative degree will be promoted further.

由于离子选择电极的发展,它在土壤学研究中得到了广泛的应用。As a result of the development of ion-selective electrodes, they have been extensively used in the research on soil science.

随着对作物与土壤学专门人才需求量的增大,对有能力的教学人员的需求也在增加。With the greater need for trained personnel in crop and soil sciences, there is a greater need for able persons to teach them.

且最近,一些现代农民受2003年去世的荷兰土壤学专家维姆•索姆伯克的启发,也开始这样做了。And recently, some modern farmers—inspired by Wim Sombroek, a Dutch soil researcher who died in 2003—have begun to do likewise.

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本课程将讲授一般土壤学知识及土壤性质试验技术以加强土壤科学研究之基础。The purpose of this course is to provide general soil science knowledge and experiment technology for objective basis to study.

这两门学科结合成作物与土壤学,来发展创造一条管理农作物和土壤的综合途径。These two subjects are combined in Crop and Soil Sciences to develop an integrated approach to the management of crops and soils.

本文最后还就土壤学的数字化和信息化发展中的一些方法论问题作了讨论。In the end, the methodology in the development of digitalization and information of soil science is also discussed in this article.