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约翰•威斯特历尽艰难险阻为您带来最佳的镜头。John West endures the worst to bring you the best.

任何时候都不要轻易放弃,即使遇到了艰难险阻。Don't be a quitter at any time, even in face of immense difficulties.

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他们对前进道路上的艰难险阻视若等闲。They think little of the difficulties and setbacks on their way forward.

他克服种种艰难险阻只为求得一颗心来照亮自己冰泠的躯壳。He overcame all the difficulties to get a heart to warm his ice-cold body.

他单独作环球旅行,遇到了许多艰难险阻。Many difficulties and dangers attended upon his single-handed voyage round the world.

他们经历过数不尽的艰难险阻才到达目的地。They encountered untold difficulties and dangers before they reached their destination.

男人的生命,应该是充满艰难险阻的,应该是失败多于成功的。The male path is filled with obstacles. It typically includes more failures than successes.

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一个英雄想要依靠他的召唤师来跨越艰难险阻,将会更加困难。It will be harder for a champion to rely on their summoner to traverse hazards and obstacles.

我们知道,这个时候有很多的艰难险阻,特别是维拉此前的上半赛季发挥异常出色,赢了。We know, though, that this time it is more difficult. Previously Villa have done well in the.

在我们的一生中,无论遇到什么艰难险阻,他始终和我站在一起,不过我从来也没有比较苛刻地考验过他。He’s stuck with me through thick and thin for a lifetime, but I never put him to a sterner test.

神从来没有应允此生是快乐的,但他的确许诺他会陪同我们一道历经艰难险阻。God never promised this life would be happy, but he did promise to go with us through all our pain.

中国不仅顶着20世纪的种种艰难险阻生存了下来,而且正在迅速向前迈进。Against great odds in the 20th century China has not only survived, it is moving forward dramatically.

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登山很吸引人,特别是对年轻人来说,因为它瓣随嘏艰难险阻。Mountaineering is attractive especially to young people it is accompanied with hardship and adventure.

走过艰难险阻,成为主流系统是一个布满陷阱的危险提议。Crossing that perilous passage to a mainstream OS is a risky proposition that is fraught with pitfalls.

这三位骑士跋涉过千山万水,在经历很多艰难险阻之后,终于找到了圣杯。The three knights traveled to distant lands. After many dangerous adventures, they found the Holy Grail.

在我们面临共同危难之际,在我们遇到艰难险阻的冬日,让我们牢记这些永恒的话语。In the face of our common dangers , in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words.

团队成员必须信任自己的教练,要相信经验和智慧一定能踏破艰难险阻。Teams must have faith in their coaches and trust that experience and intelligence guides the tough calls.

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经历无数艰难险阻之后,张启山得知了日本人谋害长沙城百姓的阴谋。After many difficulties and obstacles, Zhang Qishan learned Japanese conspiracy against changsha city people.

1998年,一批考古专家力尽艰难险阻到达了罗布荒漠。In 1998, a group of archaeologists arrived in force to do the difficulties and obstacles Rob desertification.

冯小刚自己的人生境遇也是一个发生在当代中国,关于克服艰难险阻,以及爱与被爱的故事。The theme of Feng’s own life has been about beating the odds, a narrative much beloved in contemporary China.