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您孩提时代的乳名是什么?What was your childhood nickname?

我在孩提时常常养羊。I used to keep sheep in my childhood.

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他的这个问题起始于孩提时代。His problem began when he was a child.

从孩提起,我就学会了给迈克尔喂饭穿衣。As a boy I learned to feed and clothe Mike.

相反,我则在不断试图重温我的孩提时代。I, in turn, kept trying to relive my childhood.

在我的孩提时代,我和我的朋友从不为计划发愁。As kids, my friends and I never bothered with plans.

我很久都没有看到我孩提时的好朋友了。I haven't seen my best friend from childhood in yonks!

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孩提期间,他与怙恃一路在教堂里唱歌。During his childhood, he sang in church with his parents.

孩提时候,我们常常在那棵大树下玩耍。We used to play under the big tree when we were children.

重新拾回当你还是孩提时候,保持身体充满活力的好习惯吧。Regain your hobbies that kept you physically active as a kid.

在我没有父亲的孩提时代,巴迪把大量地给予我这些。Buddy had showered them on me when I was young and fatherless.

从孩提时代开始,这些父母就向孩子们灌输对学习的爱好。From infancy, the parents imbued them with a love for learning.

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她们的眼睛就象孩提时代的圣母。They were like the eyes of the Virgin Mother when she was a child.

我唯一记得的孩提时代的两本书就是关于中国的。The only two books I remember from early childhood were both Chinese.

成熟意味着重新获得孩提游玩时的严肃。Maturity means reacquiring the seriousness one had as a child at play.

在孩提时代,画家Torrigiano曾无情地被米开朗基罗取笑过。As a boy the painter Torrigiano was mercilessly teased by Michelangelo.

大多数情况下,你从孩提时代起就开始吃这些食物。Most of the time these are foods that you remember from your childhood.

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孩提时,王君燕从未梦想过成为一名著名的电视人。As a child, Wang junta never dreamed of becoming a famous TV personality.

在中秋夜之前,就能看见小孩提灯笼玩耍。Children can be seen playing with them a few days before Mid-Autumn night.

从孩提时代起,参加奥运会集训队就是她的首要目标。Getting on the Olympic team is her prime objective ever since her childhood.