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但是她并没有成功,一文不名的铩羽而归。However, she was unsuccessful and came back broke.

湖人将成为客场悍将,还是铩羽而归呢?Will the Lakers be road warriors or road worriers ?

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该死,我铩羽而归。不过她真是可爱极了。Damn dude, I hella failed. And she was hella cute too.

一开始字里行间就漏洞百出,猫声鸟居然把夜莺啄得铩羽而归。Even from the first, the words went wrong, the catbird pecked away the nightingale.

机器人部队跟尤达的小分队发生多次交火,每次都铩羽而归。Time and again the droid forces confronted Yoda's small team, each time experiencing defeat.

在与维甘和阿斯顿维拉的客场比赛中,切尔西就是因为防守定位球不利才铩羽而归。Chelsea will be under scrutiny in that area of the game after defeats at Wigan and Aston Villa.

在欧冠小组赛上铩羽而归之后,贝尼特斯需要一场让人信服的比赛。After the ongoing traumas of the Champions League, this was a match in which Rafael Benitez needed to convince.

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魔术队在首战中铩羽而归,现在他们必须要做去联盟中其他43支球队做不到的事情。魔术的球迷们,请不要屏住呼吸。The Magic lost the opener by a bunch and now must do what 43 other teams could not. Orlando fans, don't hold your breath.

克林顿将其1994年首次中期选举的惨重失利与此次民主党的失利联系了起来,那次民主党在参众两院的控制权上都铩羽而归。Clinton sees parallels with his own disastrous first midterm election, in 1994, when Democrats lost control of the House and Senate.

犹如拿破仑铩羽而归的滑铁卢之战,卡斯特雷萨纳在危地马拉很可能会遭遇他国际事业上第一次惨重失败。Like the Battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon was defeated, Castresana faces the prospect, in Guatemala, of the first great failure of his international career.

弗格森爵士曾经在欧冠的半决赛中三次铩羽而归,因此表现得更加谨慎,他更愿意表示他的球队现在拥有了好的晋级契机。Sir Alex Ferguson, three times a losing semi-finalist with United in the competition, was more cautious, preferring to say that his team have a "good" chance.

收购计划的评论家指出,沃尔玛的一些国际冒险进行的很糟,尤其是在德国的扩张计划,最终是铩羽而归。Critics of the deal point out that some of Wal-Mart's international adventures have gone badly, most notably its expansion into Germany, which it eventually abandoned.

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虽然,多数人在股市铩羽而归,然而,部分投资人采用有效的技术面操作策略,即使面对重大利空,仍可在市场屹立不摇,维持长期获利。By my observation, the winners, who always apply efficient technical analysis for stock trading, keep wining and accumulate their long-term profit even in the bearish markets.

犹如拿破仑铩羽而归的滑铁卢之战,卡斯特雷萨纳在危地马拉很可能会遭遇他国际事业上第一次惨重失败。are slim to none.Like the Battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon was defeated, Castresana faces the prospect, in Guatemala, of the first great failure of his international career.

犹如拿破仑铩羽而归的滑铁卢之战,卡斯特雷萨纳在危地马拉很可能会遭遇他国际事业上第一次惨重失败。are slim to none. Like the Battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon was defeated, Castresana faces the prospect, in Guatemala, of the first great failure of his international career.

代希为在爱尔兰居住数世纪的土著部民,他们骁勇善战,屡次令维京海盗铩羽而归。The Deisi are native tribesmen who have lived in Ireland for centuries. They are hardy and trained in the ways of war, having defended their lands from numerous viking invasions.

赠送礼物习俗的消失,让制造商铩羽而归,但他们仍然希望藉由情人节这个节日扳回一城。The habit of sending gifts is dying out. which is disappointing for the manufacturers, who nevertheless still hopefully dish out presents for Valentine's Day in an attempt to cash in.

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这些地方仍由恶名在外的“死亡公路”相连,许多资深骑手在连接蒙多基里的空恩和腊塔纳基里的龙帕之间的沙土小道上铩羽而归。Still linked together by the infamous "Death Highway", many an experienced biker has come unstuck on the sandy, muddy trails "linking" Koh Nhek in Mondulkiri with Lumphat in Ratanakiri.

2002年,阿根廷被视为那届世界杯夺冠的最大热门,但造化弄人,阿根廷小组赛后便铩羽而归,巴蒂最后一场比赛后在场边伤心的泪水,感动了全世界数以亿计的球迷…In 2002, even though with the most expectations for its championship, Argentina just took a drubbing in the group stage. And Baty's bitter tears touched the hearts of billions in the world.

如果考恩先生在任意一项上铩羽而归,那将会严重影响国际社会对爱尔兰经济恢复的信心——他的共和党也将在随后可能的大选中失利。If Mr Cowen fails on any of these, the knock to international confidence in Ireland's recovery would be serious—and there could well be a general election that his Fianna Fail party would lose.