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不要给我说些甜言蜜语了。Don't give me sweet talk.

不只是甜言蜜语。Not only for honeyed words.

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喜欢被宠幸,容易沉迷甜言蜜语。Easy to indulge in sweet talk.

甜言蜜语没有用。Fine words butter no parsnips.

他用甜言蜜语安慰她。He consoled her with honeyed words.

甜言蜜语,一定要说给左耳听!Seet talk, is ready for the left ear!

您可以雕刻任何想说的甜言蜜语或者祝福语。You can engrave any words that you want.

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他用甜言蜜语从父亲那里讨来五镑。He wheedled five pounds out of his father.

她用甜言蜜语从她父亲那儿骗去了五美元。She wheedled five dollars out of her father.

有什么想对我说的,尽管留下甜言蜜语,山盟海誓除外。Welcome! Pls leave any words you want to say.

他可以整日在我耳边甜言蜜语。He can whisper mellifluous nothings in my ear.

他的话总是甜言蜜语的多过于正直的。His words are always more candied than candid.

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希望单纯、浪漫、甜言蜜语。They long for simplicity, romance and cajolery.

她没有被他甜言蜜语的许诺所欺骗。She was not deceived by his sugarcoated promise.

好吧,如果你可以用甜言蜜语可以让他们成真。Well, if sweet-talking you could make it come true.

我已经过了喜欢听甜言蜜语的年纪。I have been over the age of intoxication in cajolery.

她们用甜言蜜语去骗取她们父亲的信任。They use beautiful words to win their father's trust.

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不要相信那个小白脸的甜言蜜语。Do not believe the sweet words of that fair-faced man.

要常常唱情歌、说甜言蜜语给她听。You have to sing love songs and talk sweets regularly.

我不要温柔的甜言蜜语、不要海枯石烂的誓言。I do not tender speak sugared words, not lasting pledge.