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海风吹,海浪涌,随我飘流四方。And I float everywhere at sea.

既不会随波飘流。Neither drift along the stream.

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飘流世上一梦千年?Fugue world dream of a millennium?

空船在海面上飘流。The empty boat drifted on the sea.

很多飘流汉会萃在这家餐厅的后面找寻食品。Many vagabonds gathered at the back of this restaurant to find food.

我通常选择于开始一次新飘流前跟可疑的鱼儿斗斗智。I usually elect to play mind games with any suspected fish before beginning a new drift.

心若没有栖息的地方,到哪都在飘流。爱她自己做好让她觉得你爱就好。Mind if there is no resting place, where in the drift. Love her to make her think you love.

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理查德·海恩由于谎称自己的儿子随着热气球飘流而被判入狱90天。Richard Heene got 90 days for falsely reporting that his son has floated away in the balloon.

不久之后,在海中央浮出了一条很大的鱼,这条鱼大如山丘,随著海浪飘流到海滩上。Not long after, a huge fish, as big as a hill, floated up in the middle of the sea and was washed ashore by the waves.

对目标排口作多次飘流然后添加小铅粒以便饰带毛勾开始轻刮泳层底部。Make several passes through the lie with an unweighted streamer then add enough shot so that the fly starts scraping bottom.

这些高级生命体很可能到处飘流,所到之处,所有行星将被他们征服并殖民”,他说。Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach,” he said.

回想过往,他们在旷野飘流期间,会幕一直放在全营的中心,被十二支派的营帐围着。During the wilderness wanderings, the Tabernacle had always been the centre of the camp with all the tribes camped around it.

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这些高级生命体很可能到处飘流,所到之处,所有行星将被他们征服并殖民”,他说。Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach, ” he said.

黄昏鸟大部分时间都漂浮在海面上,通过游泳和飘流进行长途跋涉。Hesperornis spent most of its time floating on the sea surface. It travelled long distances by a combination of swimming and drifting.

你们的儿女必在旷野飘流四十年,担当你们淫行的罪,直到你们的尸首在旷野消灭。And your children shall wander in the wilderness forty years, and bear your whoredoms, until your carcases be wasted in the wilderness.

有一天行脚经过一条河流的路边,正计画要到何处托钵乞食时,看到河中从上游飘流一片很新鲜的菜叶。One day they came across a river, wondering where to beg for alms, when they caught sight of a fresh leaf of vegetable drifting down the river.

果然,月亮被“天狗”吐出一块,像一只白色的小帆船,在深蓝色的大海上飘流,接着又被“天狗”吐出一块又一块。Sure enough, the moon was spit out a "dog", like a small white sailing, wander in deep blue sea, followed by "dog" spit out a piece of a piece.

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若是浮云如人,那人亦如浮云,我们是否都应该感受风,一时扎根这里,一时又被风吹向他处,随其飘流?If clouds are beings, and beings are clouds, are we not all well advised to drift, to feel the wind tucking us in here and plucking us out there?

他们必飘流,从这海到那海,从北边到东边,往来奔跑,寻求耶和华的话,却寻不着。And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.

若向流速高处修拨飞蝇线饰带毛勾便会加速飘流,相反地修拨飞蝇线向低流速处饰带毛勾便会慢下来沉入更深泳层中。By mending towards stronger current the streamer will speed up, a mend into the slower water will cause the fly to slow and sink deeper in the water column.