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你正在风帆冲浪!You are windsurfing!

微风鼓起风帆。Wind that billowed the sails.

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更多关于风帆冲浪或划独木舟吗?More into windsurfing or kayaking?

下午我都去风帆冲浪。I went windsurfing most afternoons.

风雨不停地吹刮风帆。The wind and rain buffeted the sails.

大风吹得风帆鼓鼓的。The sails were hove by the strong wind.

如果我去风帆,我就会像一个劣势。If I go windsurfing, I'll look like a klutz.

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我参加主题活动假期时学会了风帆冲浪。I learned to windsurf on an activity holiday.

她和尤妮丝曾一起游泳、玩风帆。She and Eunice used to swim and sail together.

我们拉绳风帆不听使唤。The sails are not answering to our pull on the ropes.

每一个的生命就是一只小船,理想就是字一只风帆。If each life is a small ship, ideal will be the windsurfing.

制造和修补风帆和其它的帆布物品。Fabricates and repairs sails and other articles from sailcloth.

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那是我梦中的画,我希望的风帆,我生命的诗。They were paintings and sails in my dreams and poems in my life.

美新公司于2004年和2005年被风帆集团授予优秀供应商…BFR was honored the Best Supplier by Fengfan Group in 2004 and 2005.

四方的风神,鼓起我的风帆,穿越经年之海。Oh, father of the four winds, fill my sails, across the sea of years.

对于我们,充满青春朝气的中学生,理想仍然是推动我们前进的风帆。For us middle school students, ideal is sails that still push us ahead.

R2成了服务员,在贾巴的风帆游艇上分发饮料。Artoo served as a waiter, distributing drinks aboard Jabba's sail barge.

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小舟张起全部风帆在和风中轻快地前进。With all the sails up, the little boat swept along in the pleasant wind.

只有敢于扬起风帆,顶恶浪的勇士,才能争到上游。Only dare to set sail, top evil billow warriors, to fight to the upstream.

风帆游船被毁时,福图纳在私人小艇里逃过一劫。Fortuna escaped the destruction of the sail barge in a small private skiff.