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考试者已经泄密答案了。The examiner has given away the answer.

你说漏嘴时,也就意味着你在泄密。When you spill the beans, you tell a secret.

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然而,情妇是危险的,因为她可能会泄密。But the mistress is dangerous—she could talk.

维基泄密网是"阳光新闻业"的一个项目。WikiLeaks is a project of the Sunshine Press.

这是骗局、猜测、还是一次未经授权的泄密?Was it a hoax, a guess or an unauthorized leak?

副总统命令他们找出这个泄密的人。The Vice President orders them to find the leak.

维基泄密网给新闻业提供一个新的模式。WikiLeaks has provided a new model of journalism.

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战争的支持者对泄密事件表示愤怒。Supporters of the war expressed outrage over the leak.

在伊斯兰堡的会谈是关于政府的“泄密”。The talk is of “betrayal” by the government in Islamabad.

另一重大新闻是维基解密网的泄密活动。Another major story was the activities of the WikiLeaks website.

但毫无疑问的,这些泄密在政治上仍然有相当的损害。But there is no doubt that the leaks are politically pretty damaging.

抓到这个狗娘养的泄密人,我要抠出他的眼珠子,然后吸他的脑髓。I'm gonna tear his eyeballs out and I'm gonna suck his fucking skull.

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中央情报局引火上身—中情局局长正因新闻泄密问题接受质询。The CIA is drawing fire as its director is questioned over press leaks.

澳大利亚的前黑客朱利安阿桑奇在2007成立了“维基泄密”。Julian Assange, an Australian former hacker, founded the service in 2007.

在他的书莱瑟姆日记,黎敦说,陆克文是一个串行泄密者。In his book The Latham Diaries, Mr Latham said Mr Rudd was a serial leaker.

这些文件由泄密网站维基揭秘披露。The documents were revealed by the whistle- blowing organization Wikileaks.

维基泄密为了保护情报人员,并未发布15000多份情报报告。WikiLeaks withheld some 15, 000 intelligence reports to protect informants.

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中标人必须签订一份不泄密,所有源将是我们的财产。Winning bidder must sign a non-disclosure, all source will be our property.

叶盛茂也在另一件案子里泄密给一位立委,判决有罪。Yeh was also found guilty of leaking secrets to a lawmaker in a separate case.

大量的党政集团以维基泄密网的名义进行地址的链接。A number of governments block access to any address with WikiLeaks in the name.