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该学院同时提供理学硕士和博士学位。It also provides MSc and PhD degrees.

1996年,日本东京大学,理学博士。Ph. D. in Science, University of Tokyo.

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所以我们现在关注的是动理学。So that's our concern now, is dynamics.

现在动理学就完全不一样了。So now the kinetics are quite different.

在上任头90天理学会这些步骤。Take these steps within your first 90 days.

山姆毕业于一九九六年并获得了理学学士学位。Sam graduated in 1996 and had a B. S degree.

1997年获日本国千叶大学理学博士。D. degree by Chiba University of Japan in 1997.

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荣誉理学博士杨利伟博士。Dr Yang Liwei, Doctor of Science, honoris causa.

你说的是理学硕士的文凭?"Yes. A Masters in Super Cheating, " he answered.

动理学是一个很不一样的问题。Kinetics is really a very different kind of topic.

段先生拥有理学硕士和工学博士学位,高级经济师职称。He also has a profession al title of senior economist.

我们通常从动理学中推断出分子反应机制。We often infer molecular mechanisms based on kinetics.

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动理学主要关注反应的速率。Kinetics is concerned with rates of reactions, primarily.

宋明理学使儒家学说更加哲理化。Neo-Confucianism to make technology a more philosophical.

理学大师朱熹开创了理学思想的先茅。Confucian philosopher Zhuxi started the Confucian Thought.

戴震对程朱理学的批判是全方位的。Dai Zhen's critiques to the rationalism were comprehensive.

他的家庭教育思想是以理学为基础的。His family educational thought was bayed on the Confucianism.

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第三是以赵复为传播者的北传理学在文人中的影响。Third, influence of BeiChuan philosophy propagated by Zhao Fu.

王凯涛,管理学博士,深圳发展银行上海分行。Wang Kaitao, Ph D. , Shanghai Branch, Shenzhan Development Bank.

我们同样用动理学结果来描述,很大的反应的时间尺度。We also use kinetics to describe an enormous range of time scales.