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是什么造就了一名纵火犯?What makes an arsonist?

于是神造就他成为英雄。God made a hero out of him.

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那就是,究竟是什么造就了一个类星体。That is what makes a quasar.

孤独造就了两个怪物。Solitude makes monsters of both.

是什么造就了一个人中之龙?What is it?That makes a man a man?

快乐和勇气造就英俊的面孔。Joy and courage make a handsome face.

她很有潜质,是一位可造就的艺术家.She has great potential as an artist.

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我们的念头造就了世界“With our thoughts, we make our world."

事业可以考验人,也可以造就人。高。考。资。源。网。Business makes a man as well as pies him.

但是因为他造就了我,他就是我的父亲。But because he built me, he is my father.

这些光亮造就了我们所看到的极光。The light creates the aurora that we see.

但我们能够为未来造就我们的青年一代。But we can build our youth for the future.

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平静的大海决不能造就出熟练的水手。A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.

不断的争吵不可能造就幸福的婚姻。Constant arguing dosen't make for marriage.

国王是靠磨难和钢铁造就的。The king is made by stell and by suffering.

新旧交替的时代造就多元的思想。The turn of the age gestates various ideas.

能干的男人造就能干的巾帼楷模。Capable men produce the capable woman ideal.

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每场悲剧都会在平凡的人中造就出英雄来。Every tragedy makes heroes of common people.

这将给你的身体造就一个更好的线条。That will give your body a much better line.

季真也认为,是时间及机遇造就了万物。It is time and chance that create all things.