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货源充足,价格低廉。Ample supply, low prices.

但是皒并没囿充足魡时间。But I have not enough time.

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我有充足的时间来做这件事。I had plenty of time to do so.

我便是出有充足的韶光!I just don't have enough time!

这屋子很宽敞,而且光线充足。The room is spacious and bright.

明天即暖和又阳光充足。Tomorrow will be warm and sunny.

我的洞温暖如春,光线充足。My hole is warm and full of light.

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我们的花园总是阳光充足。Our garden gets a lot of sunlight.

这个地区雨量充足。Rainfall is plentiful in the area.

可供地毯货源充足。Carpets are available in abundance.

这里肉类供应充足。There is a good supply of meat here.

去年冬天雪量充足。There was adequate snow last winter.

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“我早有准备”,“我有充足的水”。I am prepared. I have plenty of water.

幸运的是,我们还有充足的时间。Fortunately, there's still enough time.

哈迪先生的解释很不充足。Mr. Hardy's explanation was inadequate.

我们在阳光充足的海滩上晒太阳。We basked ourselves on the sunny beach.

酒店还在营业,工作人员也充足。The hotel is open and it's fully staffed.

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我们希望我们的银行资本金充足。We want our banks to be well-capitalized.

它是加拿大东部日照最充足的城市。It is the sunniest of eastern Canada city.

南非是一个劳动力充足的国家。South Africa is a labour-abundant country.